The Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE) in partnership with the Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR) have launched a visiting fellowship program to welcome young researchers wishing to carry out their research in France as part of a "One Health" approach.
MOPGA 4: Visiting Fellowship Program for Young Researchers (40 fellowships)
Description of the Visiting Fellowship Program for Young Researchers (in English or en français):
- Title of the project
- Keywords (6)
- Abstract of the research project (2,000 characters max.)
- Context and motivation (2,000 characters max.)
- Scientific objectives (2,000 characters max.)
- Methodology and planning report (4,500 characters max.)
- Project position in relation to the “One Health” scientific domain (2,000 characters max.)
- Collaborations and/or impacts for the candidate's country of residence in relation to the research project proposal (2,000 characters max.)
Who may apply?
Foreign researchers holding a doctoral degree for less than 5 years can respond to this call for proposals. All nationalities are eligible except the French one.
40 fellowships will be awarded to the young researchers over a 12-month period from January 2022.
The fellowship includes the following benefits:
- Monthly allowance of 2,500 euros
- Moving allowance of 500 euros
- Support for social security coverage
- Support for health insurance
A visiting fellowship agreement with the French host institution will be established between the institutions and the laureates. It will specify the means and resources made available by the host laboratory in France so that the researcher can carry out the research project.
Research themes: a transdisciplinary "One Health" approach
1. Introducing the scientific perimeter
The "One Health" concept promotes an integrated, systemic approach to human, animal and ecosystem health at local, national and global scales. This approach provides a better understanding of the causes and consequences of the functioning and evolution of our societies (in terms of demographics, mobilities, economic conditions, lifestyles, well-being and public health, etc.), global environmental changes, including climate change and the erosion of biodiversity as well as the proliferation of emerging diseases. It thus helps to guide public policies on health prevention or innovation in a diverse economic and socio-cultural context. It also aims at taking a holistic view of health, environmental management and biodiversity pressures in order to better prevent and respond to emerging diseases at pandemic risk.
For instance, the current Covid-19 pandemic, which affects human society globally, has an impact not only on the health of populations but also in socio-economic terms, with negative aspects in terms of loss of income and on the worsening of global food insecurity and malnutrition. Its causes are multiple and go beyond the scope of virology and epidemiology and its consequences go beyond the scope of public health. Such an approach also allows for the consideration of socio-economic inequalities at different spatial and temporal scales. These inequalities concern not only access to health care systems, the capacity of health care systems, but also increase the vulnerability of human and animal populations as well as ecosystems with regard to environmental changes.
In fact, it is no longer possible to talk about human and animal health without taking into account the environment in which living beings evolve. It is now clear that solutions can only be found on the basis of the results of multidisciplinary research (in animal health, human health, environmental health, as well as in the humanities and social sciences), whether at the basic research level or at the level of translational research. Giving full measure to the concept of "One Health" thus involves working on the interfaces between different sciences: human and veterinary medicine, agronomy and ecology, sociology, geography, etc.
2. Scientific diplomacy
France is positioning itself as a leading player in multilateral diplomatic discussions to tackle the issues raised by the "One Health" scientific approach.
For example, the Prezode initiative, launched by the French President at the "One Planet Summit" on January 11th 2021, aims at preventing in particular the risks of zoonotic emergences and pandemics, by reducing pressures on biodiversity. This international initiative, initiated by three French research institutes – INRAE, CIRAD and IRD – in conjunction with a dozen of other research organizations in France, Germany and the Netherlands*, has already brought together more than a thousand researchers, from 50 different countries, spanning 5 continents, especially in the southern regions (Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and Latin America) where the risks of zoonotic emergences are particularly high. In this research area, France has a large number of long-term partnered devices and networks in Africa, Southeast Asia, the Caribbean and Latin America, which will facilitate the deployment of an integrated and multi-actor approach.
*In France, this includes ANSES, the Pasteur Institute, ANRS-MIE, INSERM, CNRS and CNES. In Germany, the Helmholtz Association, the Friedrich Loeffler Institute and the Institute of Virology of Charity, and in the Netherlands, the Wageningen University.
This call for applications is in line with such strategic initiatives and particular attention will be paid to projects addressing those issues.
Any project that is part of the One Health approach outlined above, will be eligible for the MOPGA 4 applications call.
Selection process
In accordance with the ambitions and requirements of this call for applications, the selection process will be carried out by an internationally recognized jury based on national scientific expertise.
Candidate eligibility
Candidates must have obtained their PhD less than five years prior to the application, i.e. they must have defended their PhD between May 2016 and April 2021. They should not have resided in France after September 1st 2020 (more than 90 days) and they must not be French nationals. The start of the visiting fellowship for young researchers in France is due to take effect in January 2022.
40 fellowships will be awarded under this call.
When reviewing applications, particular attention will be paid to ensure geographic diversity of the MOPGA 4th call laureates. As such, 7 fellowships will be reserved for young researchers from sub-Saharan African countries (list given below, excluding South Africa).
List of the 49 sub-Saharan African countries (excluding South Africa): Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Comoros, Congo (Brazzaville), Côte d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Eritrea, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritius, Mauritania, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Uganda, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, St. Helena, Sao Tome Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Tanzania, Chad, Togo, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Procedure to apply
Applicants must submit their research project online on the following link: with the following supporting documents:
1. Your CV with the list of your publications in English (4 pages maximum)
2. Copy of your PhD diploma
3. CV of your research supervisor in the French host institution for the visiting fellowship (2 pages maximum)
4. Letter of support from the French host institution
5. Letters of recommendation (maximum 3)
6. Copy of your Passport or National ID
- March 8th, 2021: Application period opens
- May 10th, 2021: Application period ends
- End of October 2021: Notification of results
- January 2022: Arrival of the laureates in the host French institution and beginning of the one-year research visiting fellowship in France

Eligibility criteria
- What is meant by ‘young researchers’?
Candidates must have obtained their PhD less than five years prior to the application (i.e. they must have obtained their PhD between May 2016 and April 2021).
- Is it possible to apply if I am not a post-doctorate yet?
No, only applicants with a PhD obtained between May 2016 and April 2021 are eligible.
- Is it possible to apply if I am currently in France?
Candidates should not have resided in France after September 1st 2020 (more than 90 days).
- Which are the eligible nationalities?
Candidates must not be French nationals. 7 fellowships will be reserved for young researchers from sub-Saharan African countries (except South Africa).
- I am not eligible but I am interested in scholarship opportunities, can you help?
If you are not eligible for a MOPGA 4 fellowship but you wish to conduct research in France, you can visit the PhD in France catalog which includes master’s, PhD and postdoc training offers. You also can visit the Campus Bourses catalog which gives useful information on scholarships for foreign students interested in studying in France.
Application process
- Which are the eligible research themes?
This application call is open to research projects including a « One Health » approach. Research projects on animal health, human health, environmental health as well as in the humanities and social sciences are eligible. The concept of « One Health » involves working on the interfaces between different sciences: human and veterinary medicine, agronomy and ecology, sociology, geography, etc.
- Will the laureates receive a fellowship or a stipend?
Laureates will receive a fellowship including a monthly allowance of 2,500 euros, a moving allowance of 500 euros as well as support for social security coverage and support for health insurance.
- Does the MOPGA 4 fellowship cover the travel expenses to France?
No, the MOPGA 4 fellowship does not cover the travel expenses to France. Laureates will receive a moving allowance of 500 euros.
- When the fellowship will be awarded?
Fellowships will be awarded from January 2022 to December 2022.
- What is the length of the scholarship?
Fellowships will be awarded to the young researchers over a 12-month period.
- Where should I do my research ?
The Visiting Fellowship Program for Young Researchers (MOPGA 4) have to take place in France in the host laboratory of the French higher institution that support the candidate in the application.
- How can I find a host institution in France and/or a research supervisor?
Candidates may contact their PhD supervisor and/or the jury members of their PhD to find a host institution and/or supervisor in France. They may also visit the PhD in France catalog where they will find postdoc offers.
- Does the character limit include spaces?
Yes, the character limit includes spaces.
- How many recommendation letters can I add to my application?
One to three letters of recommendation can be submitted in the application.
- Do I have to include a translation in English and/or in French of my PhD diploma?
Yes, candidates must include a translation in English and/or French of their PhD diploma.
- Which is the length of the CV?
Candidates must include their CV in English including the list of their main publications (4 pages maximum). Candidates also have to include the CV of their research supervisor in the French host institution (2 pages maximum).
- Which are the additional documents?
Candidates may upload foreign languages certificates for instance.
Host institutions
- I am a research supervisor, is there a website that could help me get in touch with potential candidates for this scholarship?
Yes, you can visit the PhD in France catalog. You should create an “institution” account first, and then you will be able to post offers.
- Which are the eligible research structures?
French research centers recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research are eligible to host MOPGA 4 fellows.
- Does the French research center receive any allowance to host the MOPGA 4 fellow?
The French research center will not receive any allowance to host the MOPGA 4 fellow. Laboratory expenses are not covered by the MOPGA 4 program.
If you have any questions ...
be sure to contact us at, we will be happy to help and will do our best to answer your question promptly.
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