The Campus France Forum includes many French educational institutes which work together to strengthen the attractiveness of French higher education abroad. Its collegiate governance and operation are defined by decree.
How the Forum operates
The goal of the Campus France Forum is to enable the collaboration of all French educational institutes likely to represent the quality and originality of French higher education abroad as stated in the constitutional decree of December 30th, 2011.
Within the Forum, the member institutes are responsible for formulating recommendations to the Campus France board of directors. Their proposals relate to strategy and the promotion of French higher education abroad.
Being a member of the Campus France Forum means:
- being part of a thinktank about international student mobility;
- developing strategic and operational proposals concerning the promotion of French higher education abroad;
- participating in work likely to assist the development of the institute's strategy of internationalisation;
- associating with the policy of developing the attractiveness of French higher education.

In 2024, the Campus France Forum included nearly 370 institutes of higher education and research. Membership of a new institute is subject to study and approval by the Forum's office, which informs the Campus France board of directors of its decision.
To learn all the procedures for applying, check the page Joining the Campus France Forum.

The Forum's governance
The Forum's restricted office coordinates the work of the Campus France Forum and studies application requests. The President comes from the conference of university presidents (CPU – Conférence des presidents d’université); the two vice-presidents are from, respectively, the conference of Grandes Ecoles (CGE- Conférence des Grandes écoles) and the conference of directors of French engineering schools (CDEFI – Conférence des directeurs des écoles françaises d’ingénieurs).
The director of external and institutional relations for Campus France is the secretary general of the Forum. He or she provides logistical support for the Forum's work, helps distribute recommendations to committees and ensures resolutions concerning the members of the Forum are applied.
The expanded Forum’s office is comprised of members of the Forum's restricted office and permanent guests. The president, vice-president and co-president of the themed roundtables, a representative of the French as a Foreign Language university centres (FLE) and a representative of the private FLE centres.
The general meeting
The Campus France Forum general meeting involves reporting on the summaries of the themed roundtables and workshops of the Forum and discussion of the overall strategy to improve the attractiveness of French higher education. It is held once per year, generally in December, in the presence of all of the members of the Forum.

Latest propositions from the Campus France Forum
In 2016, Campus France Forum, in collaboration with CPU, CDEFI, CGE, CNRS, Institut Pasteur and the Réseau National des Collèges Doctoraux organised a think tank on the intake of researchers and PhD students in France. A common letter was sent to Thierry Mandon, Secretary of State in charge of Higher Education and Research during the General Meeting of the Campus France Forum in December 2016.
In 2017, as part of the Meetings for Research and Innovation, the three conferences of institutions joined Campus France to deliver a common letter to Frédérique Vidal, Minister for Higher Education and Research on the improvement of the attractiveness of French higher education.
Noureddine Manamanni
Secrétaire général du Forum Campus France
Élodie Rudant
Chargée du Forum Campus France
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CollectionLe Forum Campus FranceUpdatedFebruary 2025
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