Social Security provides foreign students with social coverage while studying in France. To increase the amount of their healthcare expenses that is reimbursed, they may take out complementary health insurance, or mutuelle.
Je m'inscris à la Sécurité sociale
Pourquoi ?
Pour me faire rembourser une partie de mes frais de santé (consultation chez un médecin, examens médicaux …)
Quand ?
Dès que possible après mon inscription dans mon établissement d’enseignement supérieur.
Comment ?
En me connectant sur le site disponible en français, en anglais et en espagnol.
Combien ?
C’est gratuit. Les étudiants, français comme étrangers, ne payent pas pour s’inscrire à la sécurité sociale française.
Je dois le faire si...
... je suis un étudiant européen et que je n’ai pas de Carte Européenne d’Assurance Maladie.
… je suis un étudiant européen et que j’ai un formulaire S1.
… je ne suis pas un étudiant européen.
Je ne dois pas le faire si...
… je suis européen et que je suis en possession d’une Carte Européenne d’Assurance Maladie (CEAM) ou d’un certificat provisoire. Je serai remboursé de mes frais santé dans les mêmes conditions que si j’étais dans mon pays. Ma carte doit être valide au moins jusqu’à la fin de l’année universitaire en cours.
Le formulaire S1, qu’est-ce-que c’est ?
C'est un document portable qui se demande dans votre pays, avant de partir, auprès de l’organisme de santé où vous êtes affilié. Il vous permet de vous inscrire à la sécurité sociale en France. Le formulaire S1 concerne uniquement les citoyens des pays de l’UE/ EEE/ Suisse.
How to see a doctor
Within the university there is a health department: the Service Universitaire de Médecine Préventive et de Promotion de la Santé (SUMPPS - the University Department of Preventive Medicine and the Promotion of Health). You can make an appointment with a doctor there. Some visits are free, including for contraception, testing, vaccinations, nutrition and psychological monitoring.
There you can also get contact information for a doctor and make an appointment online on the website
If you have questions about sexuality, sexual relations, love or contraception, contact the Planning Familial (Family Planning), an association that offers free and confidential check-ups. Women in particular may obtain a prescription for contraception which suits them and obtain the day-after pill in case of need. Family Planning has branches everywhere in France.
Here are a few important numbers
112: the European emergency number;
15: the SAMU (Service d’Aide Médicale Urgente - Emergency Medical Service);
18: the Fire Brigade;
And 3624: for a house-call doctor if you are too ill to travel. This service is available 24/7
Can I benefit from the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)?
Students with the nationality of a country from the European Union, from Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland have access to the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). They don't need to register for French Student Social Security. This card must be requested in your country of origin and be valid until at least the end of the academic year.
The European Health Insurance Card gives access to care in France.
Reimbursement of your healthcare expenses
You must first register to the French social security. Your medical fees are reimbursed up to 60%. You can track your reimbursements and find additional information by creating your account on

How to subscribe to a complementary health insurance
The choice to subscribe to a complementary health insurance to top up the reimbursements of your medical expense is entirely up to you. It is not mandatory, but we do recommend it strongly.
It's up to you to complete the subscription process. Start by asking for a quote, and compare the offers. You can do so with:
- Traditional student healthcare mutuals
- Insurance companies
- Banks
Our advice
Check that health insurance you choose offers a civil liability valid for both your private and student life. That way, you'll be covered on your place of study and the place of your internship.