Created by the law of July 27th, 2010, Campus France is a public enterprise of an industrial and commercial nature. Find below the agency's different committees and the organisational chart.
The board of directors

Campus France’s board of directors includes 29 members. Membership on the board of directors is determined by the decree of December 30th, 2011. It includes:
- 2 MPs and 2 senators;
- 5 representatives of the Minister of Foreign Affairs including the director of mobility and attractiveness policy;
- 3 representatives of the Minister of Higher Education;
- 1 representative of the Minister of the Interior;
- 1 representative of the Minister of National Education;
- 1 representative of the Minister of the Budget;
- 1 representative of the Minister of the Agriculture;
- 1 representative of the Minister of Culture;
- 1 representative of each of the three higher education conferences: France Universités, the conference of Grandes Ecoles (CGE – Conférence des Grandes écoles in French) and the conference of directors of the French engineering schools (CDEFI – Conférence des directeurs des écoles françaises d’ingénieurs in French);
- 1 representative of the association of mayors of France (AMF);
- 1 representative of "Regions de France" (RF);
- 1 representative of the CNOUS (Centre National des Oeuvres Universitaires et Scolaires - the French body in charge of coordinating university student social services);
- 3 representatives elected by Campus France personnel;
- 3 people chosen due to their skills or positions, appointed by joint decree of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Higher Education.

Christine Neau-Leduc, president of the Campus France board of directors
Mrs. Neau-Leduc teaches private law at Paris 1 since 2012, holds a DEA in private law from the University of Montpellier and a doctorate from the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas. She obtained her authorisation to direct research in 2002 and her “agrégation” in private law and criminal sciences in 2003.
Christine Neau-Leduc is a member of the Sorbonne Law School (EDS) and of the Sorbonne Legal Research Institute (IRJS). She specialises in social law, collective bargaining, collective representation and Corporate Social Responsibility.
She is director of the private law department of the Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne doctoral school of law, head of the master’s degree course in corporate law and co-director of the Sorbonne’s social law centre. From 2016 to 2019, she was first vice-president in charge of institutional affairs on the board of directors from 2016 to 2019.
Christine Neau-Leduc was appointed president of the Campus France board of directors by a decree published on 29 March 2022.
The steering committee
Created by decree, the Campus France steering committee is in charge of formulating recommendations for the agency's board of directors or general management. It considers questions relating to reception and living conditions for the foreign students and researchers in France.
The composition of the steering committee is sufficiently broad to allow for debate between the State, the regional authorities, the academic conferences, certain operators and the student representatives. It meets at least once per year. There are 19 members:
- 1 representative of the Minister of Foreign Affairs;
- 1 representative of the Minister of Higher Education;
- 1 representative of the Minister of the Interior;
- 1 representative of the Minister of National Education;
- 1 representative of the Minister of the Agriculture;
- 1 representative of the Minister of Culture;
- 1 representative of the CNOUS (Centre National des Oeuvres Universitaires et Scolaires - the French body in charge of coordinating university student social services);
- 1 representative of the AEFE (Agence pour l'Enseignement Français à l'Etranger - the Agency for the French education abroad);
- the deputy managing director of the Institut français;
- 1 representative of each of the three higher education conferences: France Universités, the conference of directors of French engineering schools (CDEFI) and the conference of Grandes Ecoles (CGE);
- 1 representative of the French schools abroad appointed by the Minister of Higher Education;
- 3 representatives of the student associations;
- 1 representative of the association of mayors of France (AMF);
- 1 representative of "Régions de France" (RF);
- 1 representative of the association of departments of France (ADF)

Jean Peeters, President Orientation Council
Jean Peeters is an outstanding university professor and specialist in linguistics and translatology. President of the Université Bretagne Sud (UBS) from 2012 to 2020, he currently holds the "cyber and digital sovereignty" chair of the endowment fund of the Institute of Higher Studies in National Defence (IHEDN) and is the elected President of the Festival Interceltique de Lorient (FIL) on a voluntary basis. Jean Peeters is involved in several international projects, including the Franco-Senegalese campus of which he has chaired the board of directors since 16 December 2020. Jean Peeters was appointed President of the Campus France Orientation Council by order of the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Minister for Higher Education, Research and Innovation on 27 October 2020.
a national and international anchoring
The Campus France agency has a network in France and abroad. It consists of :
- 220 people spread around France, in Paris and in the 5 regional delegations in Lyon, Marseille, Montpellier, Strasbourg and Toulouse;
- 275 Campus France local offices located in 134 countries within the French diplomatic network;
- some 370 French institutions and research organisations united in the Forum Campus France.
Campus France carries out all its actions in close consultation with the higher education institutions and their representative conferences: France Universités, the conference of the grandes écoles (CGE) and the conference of directors of French engineering schools (CDEFI).
The Campus France organisational chart
Campus France has general management, an accounting department, and seven major departments.

Donatienne HISSARD, managing director
Béatrice KHAIAT, assistant managing director
Samira DAHMANE, assistant to the managing director
Isabelle BOUCHÉ., accountant
Karine MOUCHELIN, director
Reception and Services Department
- Alix DE GASSART., manager
Accommodation Department
- Isabelle GOUZE, manager
Regional Delegation of Lyon
- Catherine LUIGGI-MARCHETTO, manager
3 cours Charlemagne
BP 2597
69217 LYON CEDEX 02
Tél. : 04 81 88 00 40 / 00 41 / 00 42
Regional Delegation of Marseille
- Catherine LUIGGI-MARCHETTO, manager
Le Grand Prado - 6, allée Turcat-Méry
13008 Marseille
Tél. : 04 91 29 97 00 - Fax : 04 91 29 97 01
Regional Delegation of Montpellier
- Johanna RASPLUS, manager
87, avenue Jacques Cartier - 34000 Montpellier
Tél. : 04 67 58 92 12
Regional Delegation of Strasbourg
- Agnès LARONZE, manager
DéS - 9, place Kléber - 67000 Strasbourg
Tél. : 03 52 79 01 31
Regional Delegation of Toulouse
- Émilie DEPONS, manager
41 rue des Tourneurs
31000 Toulouse
Tél : 01 40 40 59 76
Regional Delegation of the Hauts-de-France
- Alia LADJILI RODRIGUEZ, Campus France representative
Université de Lille - Maison internationale
Cité scientifique Bât A4
59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq
Tel.: 01 40 40 57 93
This department coordinates promotional activities and the management of scholarship programmes for which the sponsors are abroad.
Olivier CHICHE-PORTICHE, director
Juliette LINARES, assistant director
Africa Department
- Joaquim PEDRAZA, manager,
- Oumou DIAKITE, assistant manager
North Africa and Middle East Department
- Serge BORIAS, manager
- Raphaëlle HALLIER, assistant manager
Al Ula Department
- Bulent INAN, manager
- N., assistant manager
Americas Department
- Aude CHANSON, manager
- Andréa MARIN, assistant manager
Asia Department
- Mathilde MALLET, manager
- Ivan RAKOCEVIC, assistant manager
Europe Department
- Elise JADOT, manager
- Bastien PALERMO-CHEVILLARD, assistant manager
Campus France Office Support Department
- Valentine EURIN,
Educational Engineering Department
- Laurence ACHIMSKY, manager
This department is in charge of the Campus France Forum, of scholarship programmes for which the sponsors are in France and of promoting programmes offered by French institutes and research centres.
Noureddine MANAMANNI, director
Sylvie BRULATOUT, assistant director
Corporate and Public Partners Department
- Bénédicte DE CAMBRY, manager
European Projects Department
- Louise WATTS, manager
Programmes of Excellence Department
- Aïda CELINI, manager
Research Department
- François PRADAL, manager franç
Promotion of higher education and research Department
- Jean-Luc ITO-PAGES, manager
- Jean-Christophe ROUSSEAU, Coordinateur to the “Bienvenue en France” certification and relations with higher education institutions
- Mélanie FOEHN, Edition manager
- Marie CHAMOREAU, Head of Art Training Offers and CampusArt network
- N., training course offer manager
- Elodie RUDANT, head of the Forum
Judith AZEMA, director
Nabil M’SILTI, assistant director
Media, studies and institutionnal communication Department
- Olivier MARICHALAR, manager
This department is in charge of the agency's institutional communication and Campus France publications.
Digital Department
- N., manager
Jean-Christophe RAINAUT, director
Business Intelligence Department
- Guillaume LHERITIER, manager
IT Infrastructure, Network and Security Department
- N., manager
Domain Expert Department
- Valérie DEFLANDRE, manager
Web and applications department
- Noëlle KERFANT, manager
Patrick LE STUNFF, secretary general
Laurent MARCHESSAUX, director of administration and finance
Financial department for mandated operations
- Caroline RYBAK-LA RUFFA, manager
- Fabien LAVERGNE, assistat manager
Operational financing department
- Philippe ROQUES, Facilities manager
- Xavier DUVIVIER, assistant Facilities manager
Patrick LE STUNFF, secretary general
Laurent ZITZMANN ANDRIEU, Director of Human Resources
Delegation of signature
Human resources policy at Campus France
The Campus France agency is made up of more than 200 employees at headquarters and in regional delegations, committed to promoting French higher education and welcoming international students and researchers.
Work and salary equality at the heart of the HR policy
Campus France takes special care to wage equality and career development.
Like any other company with 50+ employees, Campus France publishes its index on gender equality for the year 2023.
Designed by the law of 5 September 2018 for the freedom to choose one's professional future, which aims to eliminate the pay gap between women and men in the company, the gender equality index measures the company's commitment to equal pay and career development.
The index is measured out of 100 points using the following 4 indicators:
- Pay gap between women and men;
- Merit raises and promotions gap between women and men;
- Percentage of employees benefitting from a salary raise following a maternity leave;
- Parity among the 10 highest wages:
Campus France scored 94 out of 100.
This score reflects Campus France’s proactive commitment to gender equality and, more broadly, the particular attention paid to working tools and conditions and to the professional environment of employees.

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