France’s ministries of Europe and foreign affairs (MEAE) and of higher education and research (MESR) have implemented a program of support for foreign postdoctoral researchers wishing to conduct further research in France on a topic related to earth systems, climate change and sustainability, or the energy transition.
Under the program, approximately 20 postdoctoral researchers will receive co-financing of up to €50,000 for research beginning after September 2018.
The program is managed by Campus France. Interested candidates are invited to apply online at "how to apply for the Make Our Planet Great Again programs" on Campus France website.
Who may apply?
Foreign researchers holding a doctoral degree are encouraged to respond to this call for proposals.
Candidates must include with their application a letter from a French host institution agreeing to co-finance the candidate’s research.
Institutions hosting in France the selected researchers will receive co-financing in the amount of €2,083 per month to support the candidates’ research over a period of 12 to 24 months.
Research themes
Three broad research themes are prioritized: earth systems, climate change and sustainability, and the energy transition.
Candidates must possess a doctoral degree or expect to receive the degree by June 30, 2018.
They must not be French nationals and must not have resided in France after April 1, 2016.
Candidates may be of any age. The postdoctoral contract must take effect no later than December 31, 2018.

Selection process
Consistent with the aims and requirements of this call for proposals, the selection process will unfold in two phases. In the first phase, scientific experts in the covered fields will evaluate the applications received. In the second phase, an international jury will make the final selection of candidates to receive support.
French institutions must agree to host the post-doctoral candidate under the terms of a 12- to 24-month employment contract in France.
The minimum amount of the candidate’s gross monthly remuneration shall be €2,500.
A subsidy of €2,083 per month will be paid to participating institutions, up to a maximum of €50,000 over a 24-month research period.
Application process
Candidates must submit their research proposals online at "How to apply for Make Our Planet Great Again programs?".
Candidates must also supply a letter from a host institution in France agreeing to co-finance the proposed research if the candidate’s proposal is accepted by the program.
Week of February 26, 2018: Pre-launch phase of application process
March 12, 2018: Application period opens
April 6, 2018 at 23:59 CET: Application period ends
From June 18, 2018: Announcement of results
Between September and December 2018: Supported candidates report to participating institutions

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