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France is the best destination

Students, Researcher
Pays concerné(s)

I want to teach French in Thailand, so France is the best destination for me, and French as a foreign language (FLE) is the best program.

Campus France not only provided information on choosing a university and finding housing, but also helped me apply for my residency permit.  

I arrived in France in February 2004 after earning my bachelor's in French language at Chiang Mai University in Thailand. After studying six months at a language school in Chambéry, I got a second bachelor's in modern letters at Université Stendhal – Grenoble 3. Then I moved into teaching French to foreigners and earned my master's in FLE in 2007.

I'm now in the second year of a doctoral program in FLE and serve on the scientific council at Université Stendhal and on the organizing committee for the 2009 EPAL colloquium on language learning through online exchanges.

I didn't have a grant, so I have worked half-time since I got here. Now I'm an instructor at the university's language sciences library. My various work experiences have been valuable in every respect.

I love living in France. Things have not always been rosy, but the difficulties that I've encountered have helped me grow.

Montiya, Thaïlande

Follow the main steps to come study in France
