Merlion is the Franco-Singaporean Hubert Curien Partnership (PHC). Merlion is co-funded by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE) in France and by the National University of Singapore (NUS), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU), Singapore Management University (SMU), Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) and the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) in Singapore.
The Call for Proposals is launched on an annual basis.
Deadline for the submission of proposals: September 16th, 2024
Version française disponible ici.
Launched in 2006, the Merlion programme aims to create or strengthen bilateral scientific cooperation between France and Singapore. The programme is implemented by the Embassy of France in Singapore and five Singaporean partners:
National University of Singapore (NUS),
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU),
Singapore Management University (SMU),
Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)
The Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR)
The purpose of the Merlion programme is to:
provide support for joint scientific and technological projects,
enable scientists to meet and implement collaborative projects,
encourage the creation and development of scientific networks and potential joint research laboratories between France and Singapore,
facilitate technology transfer and the creation of start-ups.
This programme is based on the following principles:
Open and clear procedure for the call for proposals,
Scientific evaluation of the proposals by experts in their respective fields,
Flexibility and simplicity,
Visibility of the cooperation activities between the French and Singaporean parties,
Joint selection and co-funding by the French and Singaporean partners.
The Merlion programme is co-funded in Singapore by the Singaporean partner institutions and in France by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs. The grant provided by the French side is not intended to support research work itself but instead focuses on enabling the implementation of international cooperation such as exchanges or visits. The grant has purely logistical purposes.
The Merlion programme is implemented through three specific instruments:
- Merlion Project
- Merlion Workshop
- Merlion Ph.D
Call for Proposals

Important: this page presents information that is specific to the Merlion program. For general information about all PHC-programs managed by Campus France (presentation, selection criteria, contacts…), please refer to the general PHC presentation (in French).
- Types of eligible proposals
- Eligibility conditions
- Evaluation Criteria
- Proposal Selection Committee
- Operating Procedure
- Intellectual Property
- Proposal Follow-up
- Practical Steps for the submission of a proposal
- Eligible expenditures
- How to Apply
- Mangaging your trips
- Contacts
Types of projects
The objective of this programme is to support scientific and technological exchanges between research laboratories in France and Singapore, by encouraging new cooperation and the participation of young researchers and PhD students.
Merlion Project funds the travel to Singapore of researchers, PhD students or post-docs from France, as well as the travel of Singapore-based researchers, PhD students or post-docs to France.
Merlion Workshop supports the organisation of bilateral scientific workshops that can be held either in Singapore or France.
Merlion PhD funds the mobility from Singapore to France of Singapore-based PhD students involved in a collaboration between France and Singapore.
All fields of science are eligible to this programme. Specific attention will be given to projects within the following research areas:
Circular Economy
Artificial Intelligence
Quantum Technologies
Eligibility criteria
Merlion Project
The call is open to researchers and professors working in research organisations or higher education institutions in France or in Singapore. Each proposal must have a French coordinator and a Singaporean coordinator, whose affiliations should be clearly identified.
Merlion Workshop
The call is open to researchers and professors working in research organisations or higher education institutions in France or in Singapore. Each proposal must have a coordinator in France and a coordinator in Singapore, whose affiliations should be clearly identified.
Merlion PhD
The call is open to PhD students that are enrolled in a Singaporean university and involved in a French-Singaporean research project. Each proposal must have a coordinator in France and a coordinator in Singapore, whose affiliations should be clearly identified. In the case of a joint PhD, the Singaporean and French coordinators will be the co-supervisors of the PhD thesis, barring exceptions.
The researchers involved in the project must have the support of their respective host institutions. A letter of support from the research institutions or universities involved in the project may be submitted with the application.
Private companies may participate in the project as long as they are associated with an academic partner.
Evaluation criteria
The evaluation will focus on:
The scientific quality of the project and of the teams,
The active involvement of young researchers, especially PhDs and post-docs,
The value of the collaboration and the complementarity of the French and Singaporean teams,
The possibility to further structure and valorise the project,
The relevance of the expertise of the French and Singaporean teams involved,
The bilateral cooperation opportunities post-Merlion.
Selection Procedure
Eligible proposals will be subject to two separate scientific evaluations by each of the two sides.
For the French side, the Delegation for European and International Affairs (DAEI) Ministry of Higher Education and Research will undertake the scientific evaluation of the proposals.
For the Singaporean side, the proposals will be evaluated by the respective partner universities: National University of Singapore (NUS), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU), Singapore Management University (SMU), the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), and A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Research).
A joint committee of experts and institutions from both countries will select the proposals based on the:
scientific evaluations conducted by both parties,
strategic advice of the French and Singaporean experts of the committee.
Operating Procedure
The projects are funded for a duration of:
One year for the Merlion Workshop
Two years for the Merlion Project
A maximum of three years for the Merlion PhD programme
The Merlion programme is based on co-funding. The Embassy of France in Singapore will provide the French coordinator with a budget which spending will be overseen by the Campus France Agency. The Singaporean partner (research institution or university) will provide to the Singaporean coordinator a budget whose expenditure will be managed by the institution.
On the French side, funding is provided on an annual basis, and must be used between 1 January and 31 December 2025. The funding cannot be carried over to the next financial year.
The availability of the funding for a second year is subject to the:
Optimal use of the funding given in the first year,
Submission of a progress report stating the scientific results obtained (one page in any format) and the bilateral visits carried out or planned before the end of the current year,
Drafting of a financial statement before the end of the calendar year outlining the actions carried out or planned.
The progress report and the financial statement must be sent to the Embassy of France in Singapore before 31 Octoberof the first year (see the contact details below).
Merlion Project
The Embassy of France in Singapore and the Singaporean institution participating in the project agree to allocate funds for at least one stay in France or in Singapore each year.
As an indication, the envisioned grant on the French side for projects carried by French participants may be capped at EUR 5,000 per year.
Nevertheless, the Embassy of France in Singapore and the Singaporean partner institutions reserve the right to decide on the amount allocated to each project each year.
The financial participation of an industrial partner is strongly encouraged.
Merlion Workshop
The total budget for the organisation of a Merlion Workshop is not limited to the funding of the Embassy of France in Singapore and of the Singaporean partner institutions. The Embassy and the partner institutions may contribute up to EUR 15,000.
Nevertheless, the Embassy of France in Singapore and the Singaporean partner institutions reserve the right to decide on the amount allocated to each workshop.
The estimated budget should clearly state all the expenses and revenues (budget of the Merlion programme requested by the French and Singaporean sides, sponsorship from private companies, foundations, other institutions etc.).
A final report will have to be submitted (see Proposal Follow-up).
Merlion PhD
This instrument funds the mobility of Singapore-based PhD students that need to travel to France as part of a collaborative research project between France and Singapore. This grant allows the PhD student to spend up to 18 months over a period of 3 years in France, subject to a maximum of 6 months in any given year.
Singapore-based applicants who receive a scholarship from a Singaporean institution are eligible for the Merlion PhD scholarship and may combine several sources of funding.
Eligible Expenditure
Merlion Project
The financial support of a Merlion project is provided in two ways:
1. Travel to Singapore for France-based researchers
The travel costs are borne by the French side and exclusively cover the allowances and travel expenses of the researchers in the French teams:
Allowances: EUR 180/day, for a maximum of 10 days,
Travel: reimbursement of the real costs subject to a maximum of EUR 1,400 per return trip.
2. Travel to France for Singapore-based researchers
The travel costs are borne by the Singaporean partners, according to the rules of each institution, the daily allowances will be given for a maximum of 10 days.
There is no limit to the number of missions which can be undertaken during the calendar year, provided that the total funding does not exceed that allocated per year to the project. Any other funding necessary for the implementation of the joint projects must be provided by the partner laboratories with their own resources or through other sources.
Merlion Workshop
The financial support of a Merlion workshop is provided in two ways:
1. Workshop held in Singapore
The budget allocated by the French side exclusively covers the allowances and travel expenses of the researchers in the French team and the budget allocated by the Singaporean side covers the expenses related to the organisation of the workshop.
2. Workshop held in France
The budget allocated by the Singaporean side covers the mobility expenses of the researchers in the Singaporean team and the budget allocated by the French side covers the expenses related to the organisation of the workshop: rental of a conference room and of media equipment, expenses for food, interpretation, printing of documents, etc., excluding the purchase of any item.
Merlion PhD
This grant allows the PhD student to spend up to 18 months over a period of 3 years in France, subject to a maximum of 6 months in any given year.
The student will receive:
One return air ticket (maximum of EUR 1,150)
A monthly allowance of about EUR 700 per month
A free visa
Medical and civil liability insurance coverage.
Intellectual Property
It is the responsibility of the project coordinators to take all necessary precautions for the protection of intellectual property.
Please read carefully the attached document on best practices including intellectual property rules. The submission of the project includes the adhesion to these rules by all the parties involved.
The submitted proposals may be subject, on the French side, to review under PPST (Protection of Scientific and Technical Potential and Economic Intelligence). More information here:
Project Monitoring
The renewal of the funding support given to a Merlion project for a second year is subject to an interim report (one page in any format mentioning the scientific results obtained) accompanied by a scientific and financial report of the actions carried out or planned before the end of the calendar year, to be drafted by the PI.
A final report is to be sent to the Embassy of France in Singapore (see the contact details below) no later than three months after the end of the programme for the projects. French PIs are specifically requested to use the downloadable report template and attach it to their online submissions after completing the report.
This same document must also be sent to the Singaporean partner. In the final report, particular attention is to be paid to the scientific publications, papers and events carried out under the project.
An annual visit to the Embassy of France in Singapore is advisable, as long as it does not incur additional costs, to briefly present the work of the team and increase the visibility of the project.
Publications: to be validated as a scientific output, publications (articles in reviews or specialised journals and papers presented in congresses or conferences), and reports, must explicitly mention the Merlion programme and the support given by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE), and the Singaporean Partner.
The acknowledgement should use the following model: “This work was partially supported by the “PHC Merlion” programme (project number: XXXXXXX), funded by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs and the [NAME of the Singaporean partner].”
Application modalities
Before making an enquiry, we invite you to check the Q&A section (available here in French).
Launch of the call for proposals: June 24th
Deadline for the submission of proposals: September 16th
Release date of the results on the Campus France website : February 2025
Start date of the selected proposals: March 2025
Release of the budget: March 2025
How to Apply
Programme coordinators are encouraged to submit their proposals early to avoid technical issues which may compromise a submission within the deadline.
All submissions must be in English.
To submit a Merlion Project or a Merlion PhD, please submit your proposal by following the link: “Candidater à un PHC”
To submit a Merlion Workshop, please submit your proposal by following the link: “Candidater à un Atelier conjoint PHC”
One programme coordinator should submit the proposal via the dedicated page on the Campus France website, as indicated below:
Managing your trips
For each trip from France to Singapore, the French PI is required to fill in a commitment form and send it to Campus France at least 3 weeks before the intended departure of the researcher, to the email address indicated on the back of the form.
- Commitment form* to be used for the mobility setup of the Researchers and PhD Students involved in a Merlion Project.
- Commitment form* to be used for the mobility setup of the Merlion Workshop.
*Note that these forms are only available in French.
He / She must also send a copy of this completed form to the French Embassy in Singapore.
For trips from Singapore to France, the researcher is required to follow the instructions given by his/her host institution.
All requests for trips to France in the framework of the Merlion PhD programme are managed by the Science Section of the French Embassy in Singapore. For further information, please contact :
For the French side:
Mrs Raphaëlle Viguier
Science Officer
Embassy of France in Singapore
Address: 101-103 Cluny Park Road, Singapore 259595
Phone: +65 6880 7851
Campus France
Gestion PHC
01 40 40 58 48
28 rue de la Grange-aux-Belles
75010 Paris
For the Singaporean partners:
- National University of Singapore (NUS)
Ms Chan Ching Ting
Office of the Deputy President (Research and Technology)
National University of Singapore
University Hall, Lee Kong Chian Wing, UHL #05-02, 21 Lower Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 119077
DID: +65 6601 2780
Email :
Website :
- Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU)
Dr Gan Pei Pei
Manager, Research Support Office
Nanyang Technological University
50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798
DID: +65 6514 8357
Ms Grace Ho En Hui
Senior Executive, Research Support Office
Nanyang Technological University
50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798
DID: +65 6592 7532
- Singapore Management University (SMU)
Mr Low Wai Chong
Senior Associate Director, Office of Research & Tech Transfer
Singapore Management University
81 Victoria Street, Singapore 188065
Email :
Tel: +65 68280803
Website :
Ms Fitrina Yuvitasari
Manager, Office of Research & Tech Transfer
Singapore Management University
81 Victoria Street, Singapore 188065
Tel: +65 68280383
Website :
- Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)
Ms Goy Hsu Ann
Director, Office of Research
Singapore University of Technology and Design
8 Somapah Rd, Singapore 487372
Email :
Website :
Ms Chong Stefanie
Senior Officer, Office of Research
Singapore University of Technology and Design
8 Somapah Rd, Singapore 487372
Email :
Website :
- Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR)
Mr Ong Hong Ren
Assistant Head, Research Administration and Management, Research Office
Agency for Science, Technology and Research
1 Fusionopolis Way, Connexis North L18, Singapore 138632
Email :
Website :
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