Campus France is a partner of the european inHERE project, whose objective is to make access and integration in European institutes of higher education easier for refugees.
inHERE, an Erasmus + project

The purpose of the inHERE project is to make access to European institutes of higher education easier for refugees and to help them integrate the host communities.
The inHERE (Higher Education Supporting Refugees in Europe) project is part of the Erasmus + programme. It is being implemented by the Union of Mediterranean universities (Unimed), which coordinates it, in partnership with the European Universities Association (EUA), Campus France, the University of Barcelona and the University of La Sapienza in Rome. The office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is an associate partner of the project.

What inHERE does
The inHERE project developed a catalogue of good practices that can be used as a source of information and inspiration for European and global academic communities, and to boost exchanges and collaborations between interested stakeholders.

The catalogues was made thanks to information provided by institutions included in the mapping realised by the European University Association (EUA) called “RefugeesWelcomeMap ”, and dedicated to initiatives focusing on refugees.

The inHERE project also encourages the exchange of good practice on the reception of refugees, issues policy recommendations and organises events aimed at representatives of institutes or the public concerned by the reception of refugees.
- For more information on the inHERE project, please visit the inHERE project site: