Campus France has secured new European funding for the fourth phase of the “Study in Europe” project, which aims at increasing the visibility of Europe as a study destination for international students.
Campus France has just won a call for tenders from the European Executive Agency for Education and Culture (EACEA) for the new phase of the “Study in Europe” initiative. The Agency is the lead partner in a European consortium composed of DAAD (Germany), Nuffic (Netherlands), the Education and Youth Board (Estonia), the Czech National Agency for International Education and Research (DZS, Czech Republic) and the Academic Cooperation Association (ACA, Belgium), and as such is responsible for the overall coordination of the project.
Benefitting from funding of €4.9m, the aim of the programme is to increase the visibility of Europe as a study destination for students from non-European countries. The activities of this new phase of the project are organized in different work packages.
New activities include the publication of various studies on national promotion strategies, on access to scholarship opportunities to study in Europe and on the trends in international student mobility.
Activities also include holding a series of 12 student fairs and institutional events (virtual and face-to-face), managing the Study in Europe information portal, creating communication tools and managing an integrated communications campaign (focused mainly on social media), organising webinars as well as other networking activities and exchanges of best practices activities for European promotion agencies and Delegations of the European Union.
Another new feature of this 4th phase is that capacity-building and networking activities will include the organisation of a yearly contact-building seminar with a regional focus to improve networking between European higher educations and research institutions and their counterparts in different regions of the world. They will also include a yearly event to promote EU-policy initiatives, to raise awareness on key topics reflecting the European strategy for universities and the initiatives under the European Education Area. It will serve as a platform to share the EU's experiences in higher education and foster collaborations with non-EU countries and HEIs.
The consortium will also be responsible for securing the European Union's participation in various international conferences on education.
Finally, the project will include the organisation of one training session per year, focusing on promotion of higher education offer for HEI representatives, prioritising institutions from Member States that are less visible/active in terms of promotion or institutions from third countries associated with the Erasmus+ Programme.
During this 4th phase of the project, three national agencies will support the implementation of activities as associate partners: SEPIE (Spain), Uni-Italia (Italy) and UEFISCDI (Romania), mainly by assisting on promoting the activities of the project and on identifying speakers for events.

Campus France has already been involved in the first three phases of the programme (2014-2017, 2017-2020 and 2020-2023) and coordinated the second and third phases. In the last phase, a total of eleven student fairs were held, attracting 17,000 visitors and 406 European exhibitors. Numerous promotional campaigns were launched, mostly on social media (230,000 followers and a reach of 27 million on social media), with 10 promotional videos totalling 700,000 views on social media and the Internet portal.
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