Welcome Desk in Toulouse
Different measures are in place in your city to welcome you.
These systems, set up within the framework of partnerships, support you in your procedures and guide you on your arrival.
Reception at the University of Toulouse

The Welcome Desk of the University of Toulouse is a unique place in France, a 300m2 space dedicated to student life, to welcome, advise and inform all French students and research professors. and international. A multilingual team welcomes you all year round or assists you remotely to answer your questions about housing, health, right of residence, social assistance, transport, culture, sport, student initiatives, etc.
Proposed services
To simplify the administrative procedures, several organizations provide hotlines by appointment at the Reception-Welcome Desk:
- The Prefecture of Haute-Garonne (right to stay procedures)
- The Rectorate of the Toulouse Academy with the Information and Orientation Center for Higher Education (training, orientation, reorientation, Parcoursup, etc.)
- The Haute-Garonne Family Allowance Fund (request for housing assistance and activity bonus)
- The Toulouse-Occitanie Crous (DSE, social assistance, housing, catering, campus life)
- Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie (from September to December: CPAM affiliations and applications for Complémentaire Santé Solidaire)
- SIMPPS Social Services (from September to December: guidance on social assistance for students)
The Welcome - Welcome Desk works with a set of partners to facilitate your procedures and your installation on the university site of the Toulouse Academy.
- Occitania region
- Toulouse City Hall
- CPAM of Haute-Garonne
- Tisseo
- Youth Info Occitania
- Housing action
- O my apartment (Les Chalets Group)
- Toulouse Metropolis Housing
- Promologis
- ESN Toulouse
Dates and times
From Monday to Friday
9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. | 1:30 p.m. – 5 p.m. (6 p.m. in September)
41 alley Jules-Guesde
Matilda Alley
31000 Toulouse
welcomedesk@univ-toulouse.fr | welcomedesk.univ-toulouse.fr
Back-to-school events
Since 2006, the University of Toulouse has been organizing Student Week, renamed Student Seasons since 2023, a regional event dedicated to welcoming and integrating students. This festival is part of an annual program of sporting, cultural and community life events. It makes it possible to create a link between students from various promotions, sectors, establishments, campuses, within the same city and thus federate the student community. The Student Seasons are an opportunity, particularly for those who have just arrived in their city of study, to discover or rediscover their city thanks to a varied and multidisciplinary program.
In Toulouse, the festival takes place the first half of October. The program usually revolves around 4 or 5 thematic events:
- Arts and Culture: concert, evening in a museum…
- Associative life: day and evening around commitment and student initiatives
- Sport-discovery-culture: 3 courses per team in the city center
- International: World Student Night
Buddy System
The sponsorship schemes are offered directly by the establishments. Get closer to your school or university to find out what arrangements have been put in place for you.
ESN France's Buddy System is a platform that connects local students with international students on the move.
Further information
The University of Toulouse brings together 22 higher education establishments and national research organizations deployed in the Toulouse academy and offers shared services for all the establishments on the site:
- The International Campus University of Toulouse
- The Cité internationale - Université de Toulouse welcomes scientists, doctoral and post-doctoral students, as well as French and international students. It includes 383 accommodations (short and long stays); a restaurant area; a third place dedicated to student engagement called La Turbine and a conference room with the aim of improving the reception of the French and international scientific community.
- The SIMPPS: a medical and social service dedicated to students
The Inter-University Service for Preventive Medicine and Health Promotion is the privileged interlocutor for students in terms of health and prevention, appointments are confidential and without advance payment. Consultations are possible by appointment with general practitioners, specialists, social workers. The Simpps also provides medico-psychological care (psychiatrists, psychologists).
- La Toul’Box: the installation assistance service
In order to best prepare for your arrival in Toulouse, you can subscribe to the Toul'Box personalized support service. Thanks to this system, you will be accompanied by an operator throughout your installation in Toulouse, whether in finding accommodation or in carrying out the main administrative tasks (visa validation, request for housing assistance, etc.). )
By placing an order through the Toul'Box site, you can create a tailor-made pack that will meet your needs (essential pack, language pack, Cité internationale Université de Toulouse pack).
Discover the details of the packs
- Student housing: the keys to an effective search
Entering student life, or settling in a new city to continue your studies, requires a series of important steps: finding accommodation that meets your expectations is often the first step among them. To help you meet this challenge, the University of Toulouse offers you an updated accommodation guide in French and English, setting out the steps to take, advice, available assistance, a directory of dedicated residences (including those of the Crous) in all the university towns of the academy.
Consult the Housing Guide 2022-2023
To be well prepared for a search that can sometimes be difficult, download below a specific note on the reality of the rental stock in Toulouse.
- The Welcomedesk site to “Make your student life easier“
To facilitate the arrival and installation of students and research professors in Toulouse, the Welcomedesk site informs you about the steps to take to prepare for student life.
Find on the site information on daily life, leisure, events and good student plans, as well as all the information on the support and support systems for students.
Follow the main steps to come study in France
DiscoverRelated contents
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CollectionStudent citiesUpdatedOctober 2024