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430,000 international students in France in 2023-2024

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In 2023-2024, 430,466 foreign students registered in the French higher education system, a 4.5% increase compared with the previous year (source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Higher Education and Research). This year saw a pickup of student in mobility from the Asia-Pacific region, after a stall last year. Even though all institutions registered an increase of their international group, business schools register the sharpest increase (11%). 

14% of students in French higher education are international students

The number of foreign students registered in the French higher education system during the academic year 2023-2024 reached 430,466, including 10,772 foreign apprentices in advanced technician studies, a 4.5% increase over one year, and a 17% increase over five years (compared with 2018-2019) (Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Higher Education and Research). 

14% of students in France are international students, a stable share compared with last year. 

The change in the number of foreign students in France is the result of two years of increase: a sharp post-Covid pickup of mobilities (8%) in 2021-2022, followed by a smaller 3% in 2022-2023. The growth of the number of international students in France is thus back on a sharpest increase in 2023-2024.

The post-Covid pickup effect is fading, and France, like any other major host country, continues its growth of mobilities”, says Donatienne Hissard, Director-General of Campus France, and “the competition to attract talents is fiercer than ever. According to first estimates, our competitors register increases ranging from 5% in Germany for 2023-24 to 12% for the United Kingdom between 2022 and 2023, and even 29% for Canada in 2023, which leads to adjustments in relation with this post-pandemic increase.” 


Where do international students come from in France? 

Like in 2022-2023, Morocco, Algeria, China, Italy and Senegal are the first countries of origin. Though Morocco still leads, the number of Moroccan students registered in France is decreasing (-4%) for the second year in a row, confirming the erosion of France’s attractiveness for this country, while Algeria, in second position, experimented a 7% increase.

The number of Chinese students in France, in third position, registers a 6% increase, a pickup after a period of limitations and lockdowns of Chinese borders during the Covid crisis. The ranking of the first ten countries of origin is almost unchanged compared with 2022-2023 (read Appendix 1).


Figures reveal the consolidation of the attractiveness of French higher education and all its institutions. The latest Shanghai ranking also confirms this trend, with 25 universities and schools in the ranking, and institutions going up. 

Donatienne Hissard – Director General of Campus France


Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia-Pacific regions: two revealing sharp increases 

All regions of the world send more students in France, except the Americas (read Appendix 2). Sub-Saharan Africa stands out with the sharpest growth, a 9% increase compared with last year. In the Asia-Pacific region, India (+12%) and China (+6%) are increasing their student mobilities plan, among others towards France, generating an overall 5% increase in this region, a contrast with the stall registered last year.

Europe registers a 4% increase, supported by an increase of the number of students from Ukraine (+14%) and Romania (+10%). However, also North Africa and the Middle East are still the main regions of origin for international students in France, their growth stayed moderate at 1%.

Finally, the Americas region experimented a 1% decrease over one year, contrary to previous years. This decrease is sharper in South America (-3%) and in Central America and the Caribbean (-2%), due to a context of economic crisis in the region, or the situation in Haiti. Conversely, North America registers a slow 3% increase in the United States and 2% increase in Canada.


Business schools are gaining grounds on universities

The overall growth of the international group conceals gaps between types of institutions (read Appendix 3): universities continue to attract most students (63%), but the number of students only increased by 2%, while this growth is 11% in business schools and 9% in schools of engineering. Over five years, the share of foreign students welcomed at the uni decreased from 69% to 63%. In business schools, the number of students registered grew from 10% to 15% of the overall number over five years. 


Shanghai ranking 2024: jump of French institutions

The latest Shanghai ranking released on 15 August revealed once again the excellence of French higher education institutions. For the fifth year in a row, France is third worldwide in number of institutions in the Top 50. This outstanding performance also shows with the presence of 25 French institutions in the World Top 1,000 and 18 in the Top 500. Among institutions, the University of Paris Saclay, stands out, with a 12th position worldwide, a 3 ranks increase compared with 2023. It is the best position ever reached by a French institution since the creation of the ranking. In addition, the University of Paris Saclay reached the leading position in continental Europe, confirming its position of national leader. 



Follow the main steps to come study in France

Published on: 17/09/2024 à 09:53
Updated : 18/09/2024 à 16:17
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