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What are the services offered by a university in France?

Students, Researcher

Onisep, the French office providing information on jobs and training, published an infographic about the various services available to students at a university. Knowing how these different services work is very useful when you come to study in France. 

In which office, and at which location in a university can you have information on training courses, and on your administrative situation? How can you find out about job opportunities, or get advice on how to get an internship? How can you be reassured about your health, or where and how to do sport? How to conduct documentary research, how to learn to write a resume, where to get advice on how to go for an interview? The Onisep factsheets will provide you with the answers to such questions and others.

Of course, says the Onisep, the titles of the services listed may vary from one university to another, as well as their precise contents. Moreover, these services are exclusively for universities since they may also be accessible in other higher education institutions, to a lesser extent.




The institution administration service will help you get a clearer picture of your situation

The “Service de la scolarité” (institution administration service) is this department that organises and regulates all administrative issues at the university. The Service de la Scolarité is run by the establishment's staff and is available to all students, French or international, for the steps to follow: administrative registration, registration for exams, requests for certificates or equivalence, issuance of degrees, and other information on the various administrative procedures.


The international relations department, for a tailor-made welcome

A must for international students, the “Service des relations internationales” (international relations department), is run by professionals who are often bilingual and organises and manages student and research mobility. This service is in charge of welcoming, informing and advising students, whether they are in mobility or wanting to. Among its other duties, this service organises and coordinates mobility procedures and implements and monitors agreements and conventions with partner institutions. It may also manage grants and monitor validation processes (ECTS credits).


The SUMPPS, for treatment or information

If you have health issues or want to find out about risk and disease prevention, go to the Sumpps (the university department of preventive medicine and health promotion). This is a medical service provided by doctors, nurses, psychologists, social workers etc., which offers free medical and paramedical support, accessible to all university students. You can consult a doctor, get vaccinations, screenings, obtain a medical certificate or receive personalised advice. The Sumpps can also be accompanied by a disability unit, a structure that welcomes and accompanies students with temporary or permanent disabilities.



The SUAPS, to practise a sport or physical activity

Open to students, the SUAPS (“service universitaire pour les activités physiques et sportives”, university service for physical and sports activities), the sports service organises and promotes all physical and sports activities. It offers many activities, most of the time free of charge, and organises sports events throughout the year. Supervised by administrative staff, but also teachers and sports coaches, this service is available to practice a sports activity as part of your studies or leisure activities.


The University Library for documentation

The BU stands for “Bibliothèque Universitaire” (University Library). It is open to all students at flexible timetables (during the day, but also the evening and occasionally on weekend). It is a place dedicated to work, research, book reading and book lending, newspaper and professional magazine reading, but also thesis. The BU is managed by professionals, and librarians are here to provide assistance to students and help them locate documentation or carry out researches on specific topics.


The Scuio, to guide you in your studies

The Onisep stresses that the Scuio (“service commun universitaire d’information et d’orientation”, Common University Service for Information and Orientation) is located inside the Uni, and has four missions: welcoming, informing, guiding and integrating students. The Scuio provides a follow-up to those who want information about the next step of their studies and future jobs, or prepare a reorientation of their studies. At the Scuio, students will find all documentation necessary about training courses available in their Uni or other institutions. Note that the Scuio also occasionally sets up greeting weekend for newcomers, meetings with professionals or conferences about jobs.


The BAIP will help you get an internship or a job

To check out job and internship offers, ask the BAIP in priority (“bureau d’aide à l’insertion professionnelle”, Office for Professional Insertion Support). This office is in charge of publishing internship and job offers, and provide assistance to students in their processes. The BAIP also offers job hunt workshops (resumes, cover letter, preparation to professional interviews) and develops partnerships and meetings with companies.


The CROUS, for accommodation, university restaurants and social support

Even though they are not always physically present on university campuses, the Onisep has a factsheet about CROUSes (“centres régionaux des oeuvres universitaires et scolaires”, Regional Centres for University and Institutions Matters) Contact your CROUS for anything related to accommodation in university residence, university restaurants, social support, cultural activities, etc. CROUSes also actively participate in the reception of international students all over France. 

Follow the main steps to come study in France

Published on: 22/02/2021 à 18:33
Updated : 22/02/2021 à 18:33
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