A French degree to give me a leg up in the job market
I'm studying law in a French-language program in Casablanca. I'll get my bachelor's soon and want to continue on for a master's in business law. I'd like to specialize in banking law, and that's what led me to apply to study in France.
I know that there I'll be able to expand my knowledge in the field and complete an internship before beginning my career.
Earning a French degree will give me a leg up in the job market, since French higher education is known for its quality, especially in Morocco.
Employers are looking for open-minded, adventuresome people with varied experiences. An experience in France will give me a chance to succeed in a system different from the one in Morocco, teaching me to be independent in the process.
Before getting on the Campus France site, I already had an idea of what I wanted to study in France. But friends told me that you had to start the process online. From that point on, everything fell into place pretty quickly.
The Campus France site is a practical and efficient interface.
The Campus France team gave me help and guidance when I had problems. I was able to contact them by e-mail from my personal space on the site. Because I applied to programs offered by participating universities, I only had to submit one application to the Campus France office in Rabat.
Khouloud, Maroc
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