The AIMES programme run by the AUF aiming to facilitate the integration of migrant students

Each year the Francophone University Association (Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, AUF) launches calls for projects within its member institutions. This initiative aims at helping them accommodate migrant students within their courses, offering an integration pathway that includes the use of innovative learning tools. Since 2018, this initiative has been operating under the name "Programme AIMES" (Accueil et Intégration des Migrants dans l'Enseignement Supérieur = Reception and integration of migrants in higher education).

Every year since 2016, working with various partners, the AUF has launched a call for projects with its member institutions, in France or abroad, to facilitate the reception and integration of students in exile, holding refugee or asylum seeker status, or benefitting from subsidiary protection.
The aim of the initiative is to assist the institutions who offer relevant French-learning tools, with a view to integrating students in exile into their university courses, thus facilitating their social and professional integration.
Projects growing increasingly large in number
The initial call, launched in 2016, enabled the initiation of 25 projects.
Thanks to fundraising in the amount of 400,000 euros with public and private partners, the second appeal in 2017 enabled the implementation of 37 new projects. The chosen projects emphasize support for innovative teaching methods and the university teaching of French as a foreign language. They are distributed across 35 French institutions and 2 Lebanese universities. 1800 students in exile have benefitted. They come from the most part from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and the Sudan.
The call for projects launched in 2018 enabled the support of 43 projects, distributed across 38 institutions in France, 3 in Lebanon, 1 in Belgium and 1 in Burundi. The chosen projects emphasize the entire integration process, beyond the learning of French as a foreign language, now also catering for French-speaking students in need of refresher courses and assistance. The support projects for the 2018/2019 year accommodate more than 2,000 students, of whom 1,500 are in France. They hail from 53 different countries, although mainly from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and the Sudan. There are also several from Eastern Europe (Armenia, the Ukraine, Russia, Kosovo, Albania, Georgia, Turkey), Iran, Libia and Palestine.

A 4th call will be launched in 2019 in the hope of being able to sustain this programme, now operating under the name "AIMES" (accueil et intégration des migrants dans l’enseignement supérieur = Reception and integration of migrants in higher education).
An initiative supported by a network of partners
The calls for projects launched by the AUF have received support from numerous partners. In addition to the strong financial involvement of the institutions themselves, the calls for projects benefit from support from:
- the International Organisation of la Francophonie;
- the French ministries responsible for higher education, the interior, foreign affairs and culture;
- the Institut Français;
- France Universités;
- the association of directors of university-based centres of French studies for foreign students (ADCUEFE - FLE Campus);
- Paris City Hall
- the Total, Orange, Michelin and l’Oréal business foundations
- the company Bouygues Construction.
Since 2017, the AUF has been involved in the MEnS network (Migrants dans l'Enseignement Supérieur = Migrants in Higher Education) which supports it in its fundraising amongst the various ministries, and at its meetings facilitates the sharing of information regarding calls for projects and dialogue with the recipient institutions.
Campus France focuses on ensuring that the concerned students are made aware of the projects established within the universities. In particular, the agency disseminate information through its Campus France offices network around the world.
Should you have any questions regarding the AIMES programmes, you can contact Mrs Annick Suzor-Weiner (
Discover Nour's story, a Syrian refugee who arrived in France in 2016. She was able to resume her studies by taking the "Passerelle" programme offered by the University of Paris Est Créteil, and supported by the AIMES programmes. Today she has managed to validate her Syrian degreequalification and has achieved level B2 in French. She has been admitted onto the Public Policies Master's course at the University of Paris Est Créteil. We wish her much success going forward!

Related contents
- For more information about 2018 call for application
- For more information about 2017 call for application
- Discover Nour story, a Syrian refugee who arrived in France in 2016
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