Guide étudier en France après le baccalauréat 2022

New release of the guide “Studying in France after the Baccalauréat”

The updated edition of the guide "Studying in France after the Baccalauréat” for students in French high schools of the AEFE network, has just been released.

Every year, the Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE in French) and Campus the France Agency for the promotion of higher education, student reception, and international mobility put their expertise in common to publish the guide “Étudier en France après le baccalauréat” (Studying in France after the Baccalauréat).


The 2021 guide “Studying in France after the baccalauréat

This guide is intended for students registered in any of the 522 French “lycée” high schools in the AEFE network. Its main objectives are to present the advantages of the French higher education system and to provide all the information on cultural, associative and daily life in France.

This comprehensive guide is updated every year, and designed to support the network of French educational institutions abroad as well as the network of Campus France Offices throughout the world.

Thanks to this guide and the invaluable support offered by these two networks, future Baccalauréat holders from French lycées around the world can find their way around efficiently and build their higher education project in France with confidence. The excellent preparation of their stay in France will allow them to fully live their future student life.




Studying in France after the baccalauréat: key figures


  • To the 18,200 baccalauréat holders from French lycées abroad, France offers the opportunity to gain an intercultural experience in one of the best higher education systems in the world.
  • 70% of these students apply for admission to French higher education, 62% of which through Parcoursup.
  • The excellent success rate of the French baccalaureate for students in the AEFE network, 97.3% of which 76% with honours, is an asset for the realisation of their study project.


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Published on: 18/05/2021 à 15:22
Updated : 18/05/2021 à 15:21
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