Launched in 2018, the Make Our Planet Great Again (MOPGA) initiative has met with worldwide enthusiasm, generating expressions of interest from a large number of highly qualified students and researchers.

France, as a major player in the fight against climate change and guarantor of the spirit of the Paris Agreement, is launching a new MOPGA visiting fellowship program geared towards strengthening scientific contributions to climate change issues raised by the COPs.
This seventh Make Our Planet Great Again (MOPGA) call for applications is intended to welcome at least 40 early career researchers wishing to carry out their research in France. The program is funded by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, in collaboration with the French Ministry for Higher Education and Research, and implemented by Campus France.
The MOPGA 2024 Visiting Fellowship Program for Early Career Researchers will support researchers working on topics listed in the "Research Themes" section.
- Research Project Title
- Keywords (6)
- Abstract of the Research Project (2,000 char. max.)
- Context and Motivation (2,000 char. max.)
- Scientific Objectives (2,000 char. max.)
- Methodology and Timeline (4,500 char. max.)
- Project position in relation to the MOPGA scientific domain (2,000 char. max.)
- Collaborations and/or impacts for the candidate's country of residence in relation to the research project proposal (2,000 characters max.)
- Foreign researchers holding a doctoral degree for less than 5 years
- No nationality restrictions (except France)
- 40 fellowships will be awarded for a 12-month period from September 2024.
This fellowship includes the following benefits :
- Monthly allowance of 2,500 euros
- Moving allowance of 500 euros
- Health Insurance plan covering civil liability and repatriation assistance until the MOPGA Fellow's registration to the French Social Security Scheme
- Complementary Health Insurance plan covering civil liability and repatriation assistance once the Social Security registration process is effective.
A Hosting Agreement (convention de séjour de recherche) will have to be established between the MOPGA Fellow and the host institution. This Agreement will specify the means and resources made available by the host laboratory so that the researcher can carry out the research project. For more information, visit the dedicated page on the French Ministry for Higher Education and Research website.
Five broad research themes are eligible:
- Earth systems
- Climate change and sustainability
- Energy transition
- Societal challenges of environmental issues
- Human, animal and ecosystem health as part as a "One Health" approach.
For more information, visit the dedicated page.
In line with the ambitions and requirements of this call for applications, the selection process will unfold in two phases. In the first phase, scientific experts in each relevant field will evaluate the applications. In the second phase, an international committee will select the final fellows for the MOPGA 2024 program.
Individuals fitting the following criteria are eligible to apply:
- Applicants who do NOT hold French citizenship
- Foreign researchers holding a doctoral degree for less than 5 years (must have passed their thesis defense between January 2019 and January 2024)
- Foreign researchers who have not resided in France between October 9th 2023 and January 9th 2024 (more than 90 days)
- CV including the list of your publications in English (4 pages max)
- PhD Diploma (or certificate of PhD diploma)
- CV of your research supervisor in the French host institution (2 pages max)
- Letter of support from the French host institution
- Letters of recommendation (3 max)
- Passport or proof of ID
Applications should be submitted via the following link:
- October 9th 2023: Application period opens
- January 16th 2024: Application period ends
- End of June 2024 : Notification of the results
- Between September 2024 and December 2024 (at the latest): Arrival in France and start of the fellowship

- What is meant by ‘early career researchers’?
Applicants must have obtained their PhD less than five years prior to the application (i.e. they must have obtained their PhD between January 2019 and January 2024 included).
- Can I apply if I haven't finished my PhD?
No, only applicants with a PhD obtained between January 2019 and January 2024 included are eligible.
- Can I apply if I'm currently living in France?
Applicants should not have resided more than 90 days in France between October 9th 2023 and January 9th 2024.
- Which are the eligible nationalities?
All foreign nationalities are eligible; candidates should not hold French citizenship.
- How can I find a host laboratory?
There are several directories that allow you to find French laboratories that correspond to your field of research: You can also contact the international relations department of your home institution or your thesis supervisor; they may already be in contact with French research structures. Before contacting them, make sure your research project is already well-defined.
- I am not eligible but I am interested in scholarship opportunities, can you help?
If you are not eligible for a MOPGA 2024 fellowship but you wish to conduct research in France, you can visit the PhD in France catalog which includes master’s, PhD and postdoc training offers. You also can visit the Campus Bourses catalog which gives useful information on scholarships for foreign students interested in studying in France.
Application characteristics
- Which are the eligible research themes?
This application call is open to research projects relating to earth system sciences, climate change and sustainability sciences, energy transition, societal challenges of environmental issues, human, animal and ecosystem health as part as a "One Health" approach. The concept of "One Health" involves working on the interfaces between different sciences: human and veterinary medicine, agronomy and ecology, sociology, geography, etc.
- If my application is successful, will I be employed by my host institution?
No, MOPGA Fellows neither employed my their host institution nor Campus France, they are the recipient of a government fellowship (bourse du gouvernement français). In that regard, there is no work contract but laureates should sign a hosting agreement (convention de séjour de recherche) with their host institution. The monthly stipend paid to the Fellow is of 2,500EUR.
- Does the MOPGA 2024 fellowship cover the travel expenses to France?
No, the MOPGA 2024 fellowship does not cover the travel expenses to France. Laureates will receive a moving allowance of 500 euros.
- Is there health insurance coverage?
Campus France will take out a health insurance plan covering civil liability and repatriation assistance upon the laureate's arrival in France until their registration to the French social security scheme. Once the registration is effective, Campus France will take out a complementary health insurance, covering civil liability and repatriation assistance. Travels abroad will not be covered within this insurance plan.
- When will the fellowship start?
The fellowship should start between September 2024 and December 2024 at the latest.
- What is the length of the fellowship?
The fellowship will be awarded over a 12-month period.
- Where should I do my research?
The MOPGA 2024 Visiting Fellowship Program for Early Career Researchers should take place in France in the host laboratory of the French higher institution that support the candidate in the application.
- How can I find a host institution in France and/or a research supervisor?
Candidates may contact their PhD supervisor and/or the jury members of their PhD to find a host institution and/or supervisor in France. They may also visit the PhD in France catalog where they will find postdoc offers.
- Does the character limit include spaces?
Yes, the character limit includes spaces.
- How many recommendation letters can I add to my application?
Up to three recommendation letters can be submitted in the application.
- Do I have to include a translation in English and/or in French of my PhD diploma?
Yes, candidates must include an English or French translation of their PhD diploma.
- Which is the length of the CV?
Candidates must include their CV in English including the list of their main publications (4 pages m.). Candidates also have to include the CV of their research supervisor in the French host institution (2 pages max.).
- Which are the additional documents?
Candidates may upload foreign languages certificates for instance.
Host institutions
- I am a research supervisor, is there a website that could help me get in touch with potential candidates for this visiting fellowship?
Yes, you can visit the PhD in France catalog. You should create an “institution” account first, and then you will be able to post offers.
- Which are the eligible research structures?
French research centers recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research are eligible to host MOPGA 2024 fellows. See the Ministry of Higher Education and Research page.
- Does the French research center receive any allowance to host the MOPGA 2024 fellow?
The French research center will not receive any allowance to host the MOPGA 2024 fellow. Laboratory expenses are not covered by the MOPGA 2024 program.
If you have any questions ...
be sure to contact us at, we will be happy to help and will do our best to answer your question promptly.
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