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The mobility of African Students in light of the new strategy of attracting international students

The “Repères” (Points of Reference) series by Campus France gives voice to Fabien Chareix, Attaché for University Cooperation in Shanghai, who offered an analysis of the likely effects of the new “Bienvenue en France” (“Choose France”) strategy on the mobility of African students and who shared his vision of the country’s appeal as a study destination.

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“An African student who chooses to study abroad is like any other student”

In light of the trends in African student mobility, Fabien Chareix explained that introducing differentiated enrolment fees for non-EU students should not necessarily result in a medium-term decrease in the numbers of African students coming to France.

He believes that students from all around the world, regardless of their home country, choose to study abroad if they have the means to do so. Their choice is not determined by whether the studies are free, but the institution’s academic excellence and the value of its diplomas.

As proof of his reasoning, he mentioned the dynamic mobility of African students, who are increasingly numerous to choose studying abroad, and not only in countries that offer them scholarships or with which they have close linguistic ties. Due to this new dynamic, France was receiving fewer African students even before introducing differentiated enrolment fees.

“France’s attractiveness does not depend on it being free of charge”

In light of new destinations considered by African students, Fabien Chareix suggested pondering more broadly on the concept of attractiveness. According to him, attractiveness is not decreed—it is prepared. France boasts all the potential necessary to remain one of the main countries to host international students. Fabien Chareix explained that it is not French universities being free of charge that will stop African students from looking at the United States, the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia or China, but the quality of the reception, support, guidance, social security and academic excellence that France can offer.

The full analysis by Fabien Chareix, "Nouvelle politique d'attractivité pour l'enseignement supérieur français - quels effets pour le continent africain ?" (“New attractiveness policy for French higher education - how does it affect the African continent?”), was published in the “Repères” (“Points of Reference”) series by Campus France. The series gives a platform to thinkers on mobility in France and in the world. To supplement it, Campus France has published the first figures of requests to enrol in the first year of an undergraduate degree made by international students

Fabien Chareix is a professor of Philosophy and lecturer at Sorbonne University. He has published several articles and books, including Le mythe Galilée (The Myth of Galileo) (PUF) and La philosophie naturelle de Christiaan Huygens (The natural philosophy of Christiaan Huygens) (Vrin). He is currently the Attaché for University Cooperation in Shanghai. 


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Published on: 08/02/2019 à 15:41
Updated : 02/04/2019 à 15:20
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