I must register to the French social security. Three main steps at etudiant-etranger.ameli.fr
First, I need a temporary certification
I need to provide:
- My registration certification for the current academic year or my student card.
- My identity card,
- My student visa. Long term visas used at residence permit (“visas long séjour valant titre de séjour”, VLS-TS), temporary long term visas ("visa de long séjour temporaire", VLS/T), and C and D visas are all accepted.
A VLS-TS visa is a Long Term Visa used as Residence Permit . It is available for one year and must be validated at your arrival. You can have a “student” VLS-TS, a “researcher-talent passport” VLS-TS or a “trainee” VLS-TS.
A VLS-T visa is a temporary long term visa. It is valid for 4 to 12 months. You don’t need to validate it at your arrival.
Let’s be practical: I will receive a temporary social security number, I will still pay my medical expense, and must ask for reimbursement to my “Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie” (CPAM, local healthcare insurance office).
I complete my registration if I came with a VLS-TS visa
I need to provide:
- My residence permit This will be my visa validated by the Ministry of interior.
- A civil status certificate (birth certificate, for example). A translation will be requested from non-European students. No translation will be required for European students (except for Greek and Bulgarian students).
- My banking information (“RIB”, for Relevé d’Identité Bancaire). If I don't have a bank account in France, I can enter the bank details (IBAN) of an account abroad.
Let’s be practical:
- If I arrived with a VLS-TS, I will receive a final social security number.
- If I arrived with a VLS-T, I keep my temporary number and I don’t complete my registration.
I will receive my “carte vitale” (health insurance card) if I arrived with a VLS-TS visa
To receive my card, I must create a personal account at ameli.fr. I’ll be able to manage my reimbursements in my personal space.

Let’s sum up
- My first step is to start the process on the website of health insurance dedicated to international students as soon as I am registered in my institution.
- If I arrived with a VLS-TS visa, I complete my file as soon as I have validated my residence permit and opened a bank account in France.
- If I arrived with a VLS-TS, I create my personal account at ameli.fr.
The registration process at the French social security can take time, so there’s no need to panic. My health cover is backdated to the date of registration in my higher education institution. All care received after my registration is covered.
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