© Voyez-Vous (Vinciane Lebrun)

First students' forum for the ALULA programme

The 1st students' forum for the ALULA programme takes place in Paris on the 27th and 28th March 2019. It's organised by Campus France on behalf of the Royal Commission For ALULA (RCU) and in partnership with ALULA's French development agency. It brings together the 66 students who arrived in France in September 2018 as part of the cooperation agreement signed between the RCU and Campus France for the ALULA site touristic development.

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© Voyez-Vous (Vinciane Lebrun et Hortense Vinet)

The first forum of the ALULA programme brought together the 66 students who arrived in France in September 2018. They were welcomed at the Institut du Monde Arabe on the 27th March 2019 by representatives of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, Campus France, the RCU and the French Development Agency of ALULA.

On this occasion, RCU representatives presented the tourist potential of the ALULA archaeological site. The students provided feedback on their progress in learning French and adapting to the academic and family environments in which they have been living for the past year. All grant holders in the programme are currently completing an intensive year of learning French in French language centres and living with host families to facilitate their integration into French society.In the new academic year of 2019, they will integrate university courses in the fields of hospitality, tourism, agriculture, archaeology and heritage. 

Campus France's General Managing Director, Béatrice Khaiat, spoke of Campus France's pride in contributing to the success of the programme aimed at developing tourism in the ALULA region. In particular, the agency provides its expertise in pedagogical engineering in order to guarantee a successful path for the students in the programme.


© Voyez-Vous (Vinciane Lebrun)

As part of this first forum, intercultural meetings and information spaces are also offered to students. They will be able to obtain information on health, health insurance, housing and administrative matters. 

March 28th is devoted to student orientation for the 2019/2020 academic year. A delegation of French higher education institutions specialising in the priority areas of the programme, are currently welcoming them at the Hôtel Méridien in Paris and answering their questions about higher education courses offered in France in the fields of hospitality, tourism, agriculture, archaeology and heritage.

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Published on: 28/03/2019 à 12:00
Updated : 29/07/2019 à 12:01
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