Fête de la Science 2019: over 6,000 free shows to narrate science and imagine the future!
The 28th Fête de la Science (Celebrating Science) kicks off on October 5th to 13th in continental France, and on November 9th to 17th and worldwide.
The 2019 theme will be: “Narrate science, imagine the future”, with the catchword “See you tomorrow!”.
According to organisers, narrating science is “reminding that science has a history, and that history allows us to contemplate the future”, because science “is hope, creativity, ingenuity, imagination and innovation”.
Facing challenges
The Fête de la Science (Celebrating Science) is organised by the ministry of higher education and research, and programs numerous fun events targeting the public to discover sciences and meet scientists.
This year, the idea is to face some of the major challenges of the 21st century, including climate change, energy transition, demography, digital revolution, by opening new roads and offering solutions.
Sharing research
Thousands of scientists will join the event to share their researches (and discoveries!) with visitors through multiple shows.
Visitors access the event through either the Villages des sciences (villages of science) in the very heart of cities under tents, or in university labs open to visitors during the event.
Check out the programme here: https://www.fetedelascience.fr/
or here https://www.facebook.com/fetedelascience/