Campus France has unique expertise in the design and management of customised scholarship programmes, from both a logistical and academic point of view, on behalf of public and private partners.
Expertise in designing scholarship programmes
Campus France designs and implements customised scholarship programmes for foreign students and researchers who wish to continue their studies or do research in France. Campus France is essentially the contact for many public (ministries, European Commission, agencies, etc.) and private (major French and foreign companies) entities that fund or intend to develop a scholarship programme.
Unique expertise based on collaboration at every level
Campus France designs these customised scholarship programmes by working closely with the sponsor's or partner's different departments and with French embassies abroad. Even more particularly when the programme concerns geographic regions that are priorities for the agency. The Campus France offices located around the world also contribute.
To implement the relevant programmes, the agency can also count on the French institutes of higher education and research centres with which it has a special relationship within the Campus France Forum.

The Campus France quality approach
Campus France has implemented a quality approach for its customised scholarship programmes. The approach involves signing partnership agreements with the scholarship recipients' host institutes. These conventions ensure the quality requirements for the education received by the scholarship recipient will be respected.
The traditional services offered by Campus France
As part of the implementation of a scholarship programme, Campus France offers logistics services. This involves providing scholarship recipients with help to leave their home country and receiving them on their arrival in France:
- paying their travel costs from their home country to France;
- providing a personalised reception on arrival at the airport, train or bus station in France;
- transfer to their accommodation, study or research institute;
- help reserving public (via the CROUS) or private accommodation;
- payment of a monthly allowance and various expenses;
- payment of health insurance and liability insurance costs;
- offering cultural activities;
- payment of tuition and enrolment fees connected to the applicant's studies or research;
- registration on the France Alumni network.
The academic services
Campus France also provides academic services as part of its scholarship programmes. These are services implemented to ensure the recipients adapt to the French education system or that provide academic support during their stay. All of these advantages encourage the success of foreign scholarship students in France.
The Campus France offices
Campus France draws on the network of Campus France offices located around the world. In the context of the customised scholarship programmes, these offices can, on request:
- present the details of the French education system to local partners;
- promote the scholarship programme to institutes of higher education in the country concerned;
- advise the partner on the training provided by French educational institutes;
- participate in consultation meetings and applicant selection;
- organise sessions providing information on studying in France;
- lead seminars for preparing for departure to France.
Applicant selection
Campus France can participate in the applicant selection committee. Thanks to their knowledge of the training programmes offered by the French educational institutes, the Campus France teams can ensure that applicants' academic careers are appropriate to the target training and, if necessary, provide advice on orientation. They are also trained to assess motivation, which is often the key to success.
Pre-France training abroad
To ensure they are operational as soon they arrive in France, Campus France offers applicants preparatory training, called pre-France training, prior to their departure. Organised with the help of the diplomatic representations, the Alliances Françaises and French High Schools abroad, this training can last from a few weeks to several months. It includes language and/or scientific refresher courses.
Language training in France
In association with a French as a foreign language centre, Campus France can set up a programme that includes both language training and cultural activities so that the applicants can develop their knowledge on arrival in France. At the end of the programme, their level of French is assessed.
Applicant placement
If the partner so requests, Campus France can identify training or institutes where the scholarship recipients can apply for enrolment. The institutes remain in control of their recruitment.
Academic support
Throughout their stay and in conjunction with the host institute, Campus France offers scholarship recipients academic support adapted to their level and progress. The support includes:
- support classes;
- personalised tutorials;
- meetings between the applicant and the administrative and teaching teams;
- progress reports, including marks.

The flagship programmes designed and managed by Campus France
The Malaysia programme
At the request of the Malaysian government, since 2010 Campus France has implemented the Malaysian programme of academic cooperation. Initially dedicated to the engineering sciences, since 2014 it has also been open to economics and political science. It offers those selected pre-France training in Malaysia followed by Bachelor's and Master's level training in France, preceded by IUT training for engineers. Nearly 650 Malaysian scholarship recipients have benefited from this programme since its launch.
The Science Without Borders programme
Between 2011 and 2015, thanks to the Science Without Borders programme, more than 2,400 Brazilian scholarship recipients came to France to study science and technology, architecture, urban planning and medicine. Campus France managed their reception and organised their stay on behalf of the Brazilian government. The agency called upon its French academic network to identify a place for each of the scholarship recipients in more than 150 French educational institutes.
The Sonangol programme
In 2015, Campus France designed the Sonangol training programme aimed at Angolan high school students at the request of the Angolan public company of the same name. To properly prepare for, welcome and monitor the progress of the scholarship recipients from 2015 to 2021, Campus France has teamed up with the Alliance Française in Luanda and with ten French educational institutes.
The programme is comprised of an intensive, 6-month French training programme in Angola, a preparatory language and methodology refresher year in France and an academic programme to the Master's level. 77 scholarship recipients have already benefited from the Sonangol programme.
Japanese short stays
At the request of twenty Japanese universities, in 2014, Campus France designed a customised programme of short language and cultural stays for Japanese students. In 2017, more than 150 scholarship recipients have already been looked after from their arrival in France to their return to Japan, as part of this programme.
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