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2019 Shanghai thematic ranking: more than 100 French institutions ranked

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Although the overall ranking is not expected to come out until mid-August, the experts at Shanghai Jiao Tong University have just announced their list of winners by academic subject. For 2019, nearly a hundred French institutions appear in the top rankings, among them 51 universities and a like number of schools of engineering and management.

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In all, 98 French institutions are included in the top rankings, with almost 700 mentions in 54 subjects organized by broad field: life sciences, natural sciences, medical sciences, social sciences, and engineering.

Among the 51 French universities cited, the top five are:

  1. University of Grenoble – Alpes is the most-cited French institution, appearing in the leaders’ ranks in about 30 fields.
  2. Sorbonne University
  3. Aix-Marseille University
  4. University of Lille 
  5. University of Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier

France seems to excel in scientific disciplines, with these highlights:

  • Natural sciences: The University of Montpellier is first in ecology, ahead of Oxford.
  • Mathematics: Sorbonne University ranks second after Princeton.  

Among free-standing schools, Grenoble INP (a polytechnical institute), heads the French pack, appearing in 20 of the disciplinary lists. It is followed by INP Toulouse, INSA LyonAgroParisTech, and the Ecole Polytechnique.

Known around the world, the Academic Ranking of World Universities is an honor roll of higher education institutions selected from among some four thousand institutions worldwide, with great weight given to research.  The Shanghai Ranking inventories institutions whose faculty and alumni have published the most research articles and garnered the most prizes (such as Nobel prizes and Fields medals).

Follow the main steps to come study in France

Published on: 15/07/2019 à 10:52
Updated : 19/07/2019 à 10:21
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