Welcome Desk in Rennes
Different measures are in place in your city to welcome you.
These systems, set up within the framework of partnerships, support you in your procedures and guide you on your arrival.
European University of Bretagne (Rennes), International Mobility Centre
The CMI Rennes is a mutualised service.
It is open to students (of all statuses), doctoral students and international researchers from CMI Rennes member institutions (2 universities, 12 schools, 6 laboratories).
Proposed services
Information and assistance with formalities, such as
- visa and residence permit procedures,
- affiliation to social security,
- CAF procedures,
- transport approach,
- housing search support,
- tax return assistance
- support for professional integration (under development)
- student cultural diary: registration for events in the diary created by the CMI in collaboration with its cultural partners in Rennes,
- doctoral student-researcher and family agenda: FLE support, “after-work” meetings with professionals, intercultural meetings.
Rennes Métropole, Prefecture of Ille-et-Vilaine, CAF 35, CPAM, CROUS Bretagne, CIREFE (FLE center of Rennes 2 University), Student Health Service, SIUAPS (Inter-University Sports Service), Rennes Opera , National Orchestra of Brittany, Les Champs Libres, National Theater of Brittany, Celtic Circle of Rennes, SNCF, Keolis/The STAR (Rennes conurbation transport service), Destination Rennes – tourist office, cultural services of the Universities of Rennes 1 and Rennes 2, Confucius Institute, ESN Rennes, 4bis – Youth Information
Dates and times:
Helpdesk (residence permits, help with finding accommodation, other formalities, etc.) :
- Open from 22 August 2024
- Individual reception by appointment for all procedures
- Walk-in service for the simplest requests and event bookings
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 9am to 12pm and 1.30pm to 4.30pm
- Reception in the CMI's virtual offices on Wednesday mornings
CMI Rennes
Cité Internationale Paul Ricoeur
1 Place Paul Ricoeur
Metro A: Charles de Gaulle
Back-to-school events
- ISD - International Students' Day: Thursday 12 September from 1pm to 6.30pm
On the programme: "What is the CMI?" information points, welcome pack, partner forum, activities, FLE escape game, registration for excursions and shows in the cultural calendar, student associations, etc.
Detailed programme: https://cmi.univ-rennes.fr/actualites/rentree-2024-international-students-day-et-mois-de-laccueil
- A Welcome Party will also be organised by the ESN Rennes association.
- Tuesday 24 September: [Wel] Come, Meet, Interact: intercultural speed meeting open to all, registration required.
- Tuesday 8 October: reception at Rennes Town Hall, in honour of new international students, PhD students and researchers, organised by Rennes Town Hall and Rennes Métropole. By invitation only.
- Saturday 12 October: Welcome Month will close with a friendly football tournament, the CMI Rennes "World Cup", organised in partnership with SIUAPS, the inter-university sports service.
Address and contacts
CMI Rennes
Cité Internationale Paul Ricoeur
1 Place Paul Ricoeur
35000 REINS
Métro A : Charles de Gaulle
Bus C1 / C2 / 11 : Liberté TNB
Bus C3 / 12 : Charles de Gaulle
Bus C4 / C6 : Musée Beaux-Arts
Contact : cmi@univ-rennes2.fr
Back-to-school events
ISD – International Students Day
Thursday, September 8th from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Info points “What is the CMI? », welcome pack, partner forum, entertainment, FLE escape game, registration for excursions and shows on the cultural agenda, student associations. This year, the CMI expects more than 800 students for this welcome day.
Detailed program: https://cmi.univ-rennes.fr/fr/ISD-2022-Programme
A "Welcome Party" will also be organized by the ESN Rennes association in mid-September. Finally, the welcome month will end on Tuesday 4 October with a reception at Rennes city hall, in honor of new students, doctoral students and international researchers, at the initiative of Rennes City Hall and Rennes Metropolis.
Buddy System
Buddy system is not offered by CMI Rennes.
It is offered within member establishments, as well as by the ESN Rennes association (This is hosted once or twice a week, throughout the year, by the CMI, to welcome students from different campuses)
Further information
The CMI is organising webinars to answer questions from students preparing to move to Rennes for the start of the 2024 academic year. These live chats will take place on social networks (Youtube and Instagram) every Tuesday from 11 June to 16 July. A replay will be available throughout the summer.
Students preparing for a move to Rennes are also invited to take part in the CMI's online virtual offices every Wednesday morning.
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