Welcome Desk in Reims
Different measures are in place in your city to welcome you.
These systems, set up within the framework of partnerships, support you in your procedures and guide you on your arrival.
Espace Reims Campus
One-stop back-to-school office – ESPACE REIMS CAMPUS
Reception structure
Individual mobility students arriving for the first time in Reims
Services available
Help with administrative procedures, including:
- To the Student and Campus Life Contribution (CVEC)
- To student social security and complementary health insurance
- Urban transport in the Reims
- CROUS accommodation (university residences or not), university catering and CROUS cafeterias
- To the associations, some will be at your disposal to inform you about their activities and more particularly those set up for international students.
- MGEL (student mutual)
- Action Logement
- Crédit Agricole du Nord Est
- CPAM (health insurance)
Hours and dates
The Guichet Unique will be open from 26 August to 27 September 2024, Monday to Friday, 9am to 12pm and 1pm to 5pm. For students arriving between 28 September and 15 October 2024, a late application will be required.
Lien vers le formulaire de demande d’autorisation d’inscription tardive
Address and contacts
Espace Etudiant Reims Campus et Guichet Unique (de fin août à fin septembre)
31 rue du Général Sarrail
51100 Reims Cedex
Tram and bus lines, Gare Centre, Boulingrin, Langlet stops
Phone: 03 26 50 04 55
Email: dve@crous-reims.fr and etudiants.etrangers@univ-reims.fr
Back-to-school events
WELCOME WEEK (for students on supervised mobility schemes)
Buddy System
You can be accompanied by a sponsor or by a family in Reims!
Thanks to the Buddy System and the Buddy Family, you can be put in touch with a URCA student or a local family, your integration will be facilitated during your stay at URCA.
Thanks to the tutoring for international students, you will be able to benefit from personalized support, allowing you to better familiarize yourself with your new environment and receive advice on life in France.
The EURAXESS centre
Facilitates procedures for doctoral students, post-doctoral students, international lecturers and their families.
Phone: +33 3 26 91 84 28
Email: euraxess@univ-reims.fr
2 avenue Robert Schuman
51100 Reims
Phone: +33 3 26 91 87 60
Email: dredi@univ-reims.fr
Follow the main steps to come study in France
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CollectionStudent citiesUpdatedOctober 2024