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Welcome Desk in Poitiers
As soon as you are installed in your accommodation, go to the reception desk for international students.
Proposed services
The person responsible for welcoming international students at the University of Poitiers will welcome you personally to address the following points:
- the certificate of arrival at the University of Poitiers
- the procedures for validating the long-stay visa
- the housing assistance file with the Family Allowance Fund (CAF)
- the sport
- culture
- health
- specific activities for international students
Adress and contacts
Présidence - 15, rue de l'Hôtel Dieu
86000 POITIERS Cedex
(ligne de bus 1, 3, 4, 7, 8 et 9 / arrêt: Voie Malraux )
Téléphone : + 33 (0) 5 49 45 30 87
Email : accueil.international@univ-poitiers.fr
Dates and hours
Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Follow the main steps to come study in France
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