Welcome Desk in Mulhouse
Different measures are in place in your city to welcome you.
In partnerships with different institutions, the University of Mulhouse supports you in your procedures and guides you upon your arrival.
University of Haute-Alsace

All the students of the University of Haute-Alsace
Proposed services
- the central school reception point
- various information on student life in Mulhouse
- help with setting up the file and monitoring residence permits
- help in putting together the CAF housing assistance application file
- help with setting up the CPAM social security affiliation file
- social service (financial and administrative difficulties)
- medical service
- disability support
- reception, supervision, and follow-up of supervised mobility students
- The Clous of Mulhouse
Dates and times
Administrative registration at UHA is online from 4 to 20 July 2023 and from 16 August to 30 September 2023 : https://www.uha.fr/fr/inscriptions-1/inscriptions-futurs-etudiants.html
Campus France students can go to the Student Centre for registration.
A reception point is organised on the same dates at the Maison de l'Etudiant (address below).
Monday to Thursday 8:30 a.m to 12:15 p.m and 1 p.m to 4:45 p.m
Friday 8:30am-12:15 p.m
For students hosted in supervised mobility at the University of Haute-Alsace (eg Erasmus + students), contact the Department of International, European and Cross-border Relations at international@uha.fr
Address and contact
Maison de l’Etudiant (campus Illberg)
1, rue Alfred Werner
Tram 2 - "Université" stop
For registration questions, contact Scolarité centrale: scolarite@uha.fr +33 3 89 33 66 99
For all other questions, contact the Student Life Office: bve@uha.fr + 33 3 89 33 60 39
Back-to-school events
Multi-service stands presenting services dedicated to students: culture, sport, guidance, student life, associations, partners, etc.
- September 19th, 2023 in front of the University Restaurant, Illberg campus, Mulhouse from 11 a.m to 2 p.m (provisional date)
- September 14th, 2023 on the Grillenbreit campus in Colmar at the Learning Centre from 11 a.m to 2 p.m
- September 21st, 2023 at the Fonderie Mulhouse campus, in the FSESJ hall from 11 a.m to 2 p.m
Further information
Registrations at UHA: https://www.uha.fr/fr/inscriptions-1/inscriptions-futurs-etudiants.html
International students reception: https://www.uha.fr/fr/international/venir-etudier-a-l-uha-en-mobilite-e…
University life: https://www.uha.fr/fr/vie-universitaire-1.html
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CollectionStudent citiesUpdatedDecember 2023