Welcome Desk in Lille
Different measures are in place in your city to welcome you.
In partnerships with different institutions, the University of Lille supports you in your procedures and guides you upon your arrival.
The Maison Internationale is the multi-service reception point for international students, doctors and researchers at the University of Lille.
Proposed services
The International House offers a two-stage welcome service at the University of Lille: the HelpDesk and the Welcome Desk.
The HelpDesk offers personalised assistance with all administrative formalities:
- Registration at the University of Lille
- Social security registration ;
- CAF procedures;
- Daily life (transport, banking, etc.);
- Residence permits;
- Housing, research, internet, guarantor, electricity, etc. ;
- Schooling (ENT, University Internet network, applications);
- Support for students in difficulty;
A number of partners are available on site (CROUS social workers, CROUS International, CPAM, CAF).
WelcomeDesk organises cultural activities and social events at the University and in the region:
- Student life (sport, culture at the University, discovering the city of Lille and its metropolitan area);
- Welcome Days; https://jive.univ-lille.fr/
- International Student Year; https://isy.univ-lille.fr/
- Cultural and artistic visits, cinema outings
- Workshops on practical topics (student jobs, budget, etc.) or awareness-raising (mental health, disabilities, interculturality, etc.).
The International House has developed a number of partnerships to provide a personalised welcome at all levels:
Institutions :
- CROUS social workers.
- CROUS International ;
- CPAM - primary health insurance funds
- CAF - Caisse d'allocations familiales
University of Lille services :
- Euraxses Centre ;
- La Maison de la Médiation ;
- Health service ;
- BVEH - Offices for disabled student life
- BAIP - Bureau d'Aide à l'Insertion Professionnelle (Job Placement Support Office)
- SUAPS - University Physical and Sports Activities Service
Associations :
- The Legal Clinic ;
- L.I.S.A (Lille International Students Association) and its Ressourcerie ;
- Plus the University of Lille associations
Dates and times
The International House is open to students, PhD students and researchers all year round, Monday to Friday, 8.45am to 4.30pm, except during the summer and Christmas holidays.
The International House is also accessible by email, by telephone on and by appointment (physical and video).
Address and contact
Adress: La Maison Internationale BAT A4 Campus Cité Scientifique, Metro 4 Cantons (yellow line terminus 50 meters from the stop)
Contact: maison-internationale@univ-lille.fr
More information:
Back-to-school events
Welcome Days September 2024
A not-to-be-missed event, Welcome Days are organised twice a year, in September and January, for international students, doctors and researchers. During this period, the University of Lille offers a varied programme full of activities for these students. They can take advantage of these days to get together, exchange ideas and discover the university, the city of Lille and French culture.
Buddy System
Additional information:
Presentation brochure of the International House: https://international.univ-lille.fr/fileadmin/user_upload/site-international/Maison_internationale/Brochure_web_MI_-_FR-EN.pdf
ULillGo: ULillGo is a mobile application for internationally mobile students at the University of Lille. Students, PhD students and staff will be able to use this comprehensive guide to find all the useful and practical information they need before and during their mobility. It is available in a web version (https://ulillgo.univ-lille.fr) as well as on the Google Play Store and App Store.
Online Welcome Desk: The University of Lille is offering international students a platform, the Online Welcome Desk, to help them with the administrative formalities prior to their arrival in France (http://welcome-e-desk.univ-lille.fr/).
Reception structure
Youth Department 1st floor, Building D
Fabien Lefebvre Student Life Projects Officer
The Pôle Ressources Jeunesse Deschepper (PRJ) is the point of contact for all student questions.
Public concerned
All international and French students new to the region.
Proposed services
Student life services at :
- Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Industrie et Textile
- Ecole Des Hautes Etudes Commerciale du Nord
- The Higher School of Applied Arts and Textiles
- Technical University Institute
- INFOCOM Department
- Nursing Care Training Institute
- National School of Youth Judicial Protection
- Jean Rostand High School
- Holberton Schoool
Direction Jeunesse, CCAS, Office du Tourisme, Roubaix Shopping, LINKEE.
Dates and hours
Monday 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Tuesday 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. – 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Wednesday 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. – 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Thursday 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. – 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Friday 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. – 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Address and contact
Adresse : 50 rue Sébastopol, Roubaix
Contact : flefebvre@ville-roubaix.fr
Instagram : @ccjroubaix
Facebook : Ccj Roubaix
Back-to-school events :
Online edition of Roubaix Campus (student tips).
Participation in integration days
29 August: Back-to-school day for 1st year students at the Enseignement Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Industries Textiles.
5 September: Integration Day for 1st year INFOCOM and ESAAT students.
12 September: Student Life Integration Day (JIVE) at Campus Gare.
13 and 14 September: Lille street market.
19 September: Integration Day for 1st year students at EDHEC, PIKTURA and ARTFX.
A fun and unusual way to discover the city's cultural facilities and student life.
Invitations to all the cultural events in the city and metropolitan area.
Name Festival 4 and 5 October.
Welcome Roubaix (date to be defined).
Dedicated Arts Night, specific student itineraries.
URBX Festival
More information:
Youth and Student Life Department.
Good plans for young people" digital platform
Roubaix Student Guide
Schools and higher education establishments
Follow the main steps to come study in France
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