Grenoble et Saint-Martin d'Hères
Welcome Desk in Grenoble and Saint-Martin d'Hères
International Students & Scholars Office – ISSO

The Service Accueil International - ISSO (International Reception Service) of the Community Grenoble Alpes University helps and supports international students in their preparation of their stay, installation processes and throughout their mobility.
All international students, doctoral students, researchers and their families hosted by one of the institutions of the Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA).
Services available
- Help to visa validation
- Help and follow-up of residence permit applications
- Outsourced "Prefecture" desk available
- Help to housing research
- Information on the French healthcare system
- Information on practical life in Grenoble: French classes, transports, culture, leisure activities and more.
Hours and dates
Opening times are available on this page (updated in the event of changes)
Adresse :
Maison Universitaire des Services à l'Étudiant - MUSE
80 Allée Ampère
38 402 St Martin d’Hères
Contact :
- Student residence: : studenthousing@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr
- Doctoral students and researchers : scholarhousing@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr
- Other subjects : isso@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr
Back-to-school events :
Université Grenoble Alpes offers its international students a rich and varied back-to-school programme. Find details of the events on the UGA international portal: https://international.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/actualites/agenda/journees-d-integration-des-etudiants-internationaux-grenoble-707835.kjsp?RH=1601036516165&RF=1602248890125
Buddy system:
By signing up to the Buddy system mentoring programme, you will be put in touch with a local student who will be able to give you advice and guidance as you take your first steps in Grenoble : https://buddysystem.eu/fr/
Follow the main steps to come study in France
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CollectionStudent citiesUpdatedOctober 2024