Welcome Desk in Angers
Different measures are in place in your city to welcome you.
In partnerships with different institutions, the University of Angers supports you in your procedures and guides you upon your arrival.

Reception structure
Univsersity of Angers
All newly arrived international students and researchers at the University of Angers
Services offerered
International students, the International Office and the InfoCampus reception desk can provide you with practical information and services to help you with your student life :
- transport
- catering,
- housing tracks,
- digital assistance
- culture and leisure
- sports with the university sports service
- health with the university health service
- social and mutual security
- social assistance
- community life and student engagement
- cultural and touristic life
- orientation, employment, internship
For more information: https://bienvenue.univ-angers.fr/fr/etudiants-internationaux/bureau-des-internationaux/ et https://bienvenue.univ-angers.fr/fr/accueil-infocampus/
The International Office offers individualized support to each international student registered at the UA by appointment, face-to-face or remotely, for:
- answer your questions,
- support you in the first steps: residence permit, CPAM, ...,
- give you the welcome pack,
- offer you free French lessons
- offer you the Buddy System
- offer you cultural activities and outings
You can also find the dematerialized welcome program at https://bienvenue.univ-angers.fr/fr/etudiants-internationaux/
The University of Angers is a partner of many institutions and organizations, several are permanently at the InfoCampus counter during the month of September to facilitate all your procedures on site:
- City of Angers (J, Velocity)
- Angers Loire Metropole
- Région Pays de la Loire
- Angers Bus Station
- CROUS (students accomodation)
- CAF (housing benefits)
- IRIGO (public transportation network)
- Le Temps pour toiT (association offering help to find accomodation)
- Action Logement
- Dossier facile
- L'ADIL 49
- And all the services of the University of Angers
Dates and times
From 20 August 2024, the International Office will be open by appointment from 9am to 12.30pm and from 1.30pm to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.
The InfoCampus reception desk is open :
- From 2 to 19 July by telephone on 02 44 68 86 05
- From 2 to 27 September, from 10am to 4pm, you can meet the ambassadors at the Saint-Serge BU on the Saint-Serge campus and at the Passerelle on the Belle-Beille campus.
Bureau des Internationaux
1er étage de La Passerelle
2 rue Lakanal
49045 Angers
Campus Belle Beille (Guichet InfoCampus et Bureau des Internationaux)
La Passerelle
2 rue Lakanal
49045 Angers
Campus Saint Serge (Guichet InfoCampus)
Bibliothèque universitaire
57 Quai Félix Faure
49100 Angers
For international students: bienvenue@univ-angers.fr
Guichet InfoCampus : infocampus@contact.univ-angers.fr
Back-to-school events
The University of Angers will be welcoming you throughout September and October:
- visits to the campus, the city centre and the region,
- cultural activities,
- the International Nocturne: on Thursday 12 September 2024 from 5pm to 8pm, the International Office and InfoCampus welcome you to this evening where our partners will answer your questions and offer services related to your student life.
- Campus Day: the University's big back-to-school celebration on Thursday 19 September 2024.
Activities and discovery outings (specially designed for the University's international public) will also be offered throughout the year.
Buddy System
The University of Angers offers a Buddy System sponsorship program to all its students.
By registering, international students can meet local students and discover the city, the university and the region.
More info: https://bienvenue.univ-angers.fr/en/services-en/international-students/buddy-system/
Reception of researchers and their families
The University of Angers is a Euraxess center, a reception service for foreign doctoral students and researchers and their families. A multilingual team accompanies you throughout the year in all the steps relating to the preparation of your arrival and the smooth running of your stay (housing, residence permit, health, activities to discover the city in English, etc.)
More info: https://www.univ-angers.fr/fr/international/venir-a-l-universite/international-researcher.html
French courses with the CeLFE
All international students at the University of Angers can benefit from nearly 30 hours of free French lessons and conversation workshops per semester with the University's French language center for foreigners (CeLFE).
More info: https://www.univ-angers.fr/fr/international/enseignement-le-francais-au-celfe/cours.html
Follow the main steps to come study in France
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