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Welcome Desk in Amiens

Different measures are in place in your city to welcome you.

In partnerships with different institutions, the University of Amiens supports you in your procedures and guides you upon your arrival.

Reception structure 

University of Picardie Jules Verne

International Relations Department


International students (on individual or supervised mobility programmes) as well as doctoral students and researchers from the Université Picardie Jules Verne.

Proposed services

Personalised support from the country of origin to arrival at the Guichet Unique d'Accueil:

  • help in finding accommodation
  • social security affiliation
  • student mutual
  • CAF procedures
  • visa validation
  • VISALE approach
  • opening a bank account
  • information on Amiens and the regional towns of the relocated sites

The Office Bienvenue en France (part of the International Relations Department) also offers cultural discoveries and activities to help students integrate and socialise at the University and in the region: 
- Well-being workshops (focusing on health)
- Bowling, karaoke, board game nights, etc.
- Workshops on practical topics (student jobs, improving CVs, etc.)


  • Amiens Metropolis
  • CPAM
  • Banks
  • Action logement (housing)
  • Student associations

Dates and hours

OInternational Relations Office: 8.30am to 12pm and 1.30pm to 4.30pm (Monday to Friday)


11 rue des Francs Mûriers, 80000 Amiens


Contact the Welcome to France Office: 

Back-to-school event

The welcome desk for international students runs from 26 August to 12 September 2024 (Monday to Thursday, closed on Fridays), from 9.30am to 12pm and 1.30pm to 4pm. 
Location: Pôle OFRE of the UPJV, 10 rue Frédéric Petit, 80000 Amiens

The counter will also be held at the various delocalised sites (Beauvais, Creil, Laon, Saint-Quentin and Soissons) at the end of September.

The JAE (Student Welcome Day) will take place on Thursday 12 September 2024 in Amiens.
The dates of the JAEs at the delocalised sites will be published shortly.


Become the sponsor of an international student or receive help from a local student thanks to the Buddy System:


Additional information
UPJV social networks :

Follow the main steps to come study in France
