regards d'alumni sur l'attractivité des régions et des métropoles

Attractiveness of regions and cities: discover what our alumni think!

In the wake of the release of the Territorial Observatory of the International Mobility of Students and Researchers report, Campus France publishes the story of four alumni about their view of the attractiveness of French regions and cities 

In the wake of the release on 19 May 2022 of the results of the latest edition of the Territorial Observatory of the International Mobility of Students and Researchers report, Campus France and its partners DAECT, Régions de France, France Urbaine, and AVUF) met alumni to publish their story about their experience as international study in various regions and cities of France.

Arielle Marie Montcho (Rouen)

Arielle is a Beninese student registered in an engineer training course at ESIGELEC.

Arielle Marie Montcho


Studying in Normandy is a great opportunity for me. Degrees are internationally recognised, institutions provide great education, and there are no equivalent courses in Benin. For me, the engineer thinks to produce new things to improve the life of everybody. Very few girls in Africa choose scientific studies, and I’d like to be an inspiring figure for them.


Sothearath Seang (Nice)

A Cambodian alumni, Sothearath is a doctor in economy from the University of Côte d’Azur.

Sothearath Seang


 I chose to study in a doctorate course in economy at the University of Côte d’Azur. It’s a research institution based on excellence, with many agreements with research institutions such as the CNRS and Inserm. I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to admire the Mediterranean Sea every day from my place of work and home! I could fully enjoy the Côte d’Azur coastline, and hikes in the hinterland, so I felt very lucky to be able to study in Nice, a city where the sun never sets.


Alicia Serrano (Strasbourg)

Alicia is a Spanish student currently studying at the University of Strasbourg.

Alicia Serrano Sánchez


For two years, I’ve had the chance to live in this wonderful city with a fascinating past and a student and cosmopolitan atmosphere: I integrated myself very quickly to the local life. Because of its location, the Alsace region has always been a melting pot of languages and communities, but also delicious dishes I love! And then Strasbourg welcomes international institutions such as the Council of Europe and the European Parliament, where I’d love to work someday.


Valentina Jacquier-Nardi (Bordeaux) 

Valentina is an Argentinean alumni from Sciences Po Bordeaux. She is in charge of the international development of ESTIA, a school of engineering at Bidart.

Valentina Jacquier-Nardi


I chose to study at Sciences Po Bordeaux, because it’s a school with international reputation located at the heart of a gorgeous region. What I like the most about this region is the contact with nature, whether it’s while running along the coastline or hiking in the mountains on the weekend. In my next projects, I’d like to be more involved in associations, and especially in relation with sustainable development, and why not join the political life at local level one day. I really feel at home now!



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Published on: 23/05/2022 à 10:32
Updated : 10/07/2023 à 17:24
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