Délégation de recteurs norvégiens

A Norwegian delegation in study mission in France


In collaboration with the French institute in Norway and the Norwegian embassy in France, Campus France has organised from 11 to 13 June 2024 a study mission for 10 heads of Norwegian universities and institutions in relation with higher education and research.

This delegation of heads of Norwegian universities and institutions came to France for three full days of visits and meetings to better understand the stakes of the higher education-research-innovation continuum in the French ecosystem and find new leads of cooperation.

Visite d'une délégation norvégienne - juin 2024

On 11 June, the delegation visited the Ministry of higher education and research to assess the respective national strategies, the SCAI, research centre for interdisciplinary teachings in artificial intelligence, and Sorbonne Université

The president of the CNRS, Antoine Petit, then received the delegation to discuss subjects, before a visit at the Brain Institute.

Délégation norvégienne en visite au SCAI

The next day, Campus France welcomed the representatives for an exchange about issues in relation with student mobility. The delegation then went to Bordeaux, where they were presented the tools used to improve university cooperation in a European framework with Erasmus+ France / Education & Training.

Délégation norvégienne en visite à Bordeaux

On 13 June, long discussions took place with the University of Bordeaux about the transfers of technology and innovative research. Then, the delegation went back to Paris with a final meeting with Norwegian students to talk about their conditions of living in France and the House of Norway at the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris (CIUP). 


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Published on: 18/06/2024 à 15:17
Updated : 18/06/2024 à 15:19
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