Semaine de la langue française et de la francophonie
© ministère de la culture

Week of French language and Francophonie: the best event to speak out all over the world

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Time to speak out! The “Semaine de la langue française et de la Francophonie” (Week of French language and Francophonie), the event for words lovers, focuses from 15 to 17 March on the subject “Prenez la parole” (Speak Out). A way to encourage everyone to speak out and create, in French of course! The highlight of the week is 20 March, the International Francophonie Day, organised on the theme of education.

This year, the Semaine de la langue française et de la Francophonie (Week of French language and Francophonie), which was created in 1995 by the French ministry of culture, celebrates 30 years. The day is held every year on about 20 March, date of the International Francophonie Day, to celebrate French language, “which creates a common cultural space for all French speakers and lovers of the French language”. These two major events, the Semaine and the Journée, form the “highlight of French-speaking identity”, with hundreds of events organised in France and abroad.



A vibrant, fun and participative Week, all over the world

Over the years, the Semaine de la langue française et de la Francophonie has become “a must-attend cultural, educational and fun event open to all”, as the ministry of culture writes, a highlight during which French language turns into “a vector for enjoyment, inspiration and discussion”.

And organisers add that “everyone, regardless of age, career or origin, can try to speak out” to “freely express, improvise, and deploy her or his voice in all its forms”. All these types of expression are found in events organised in France: writing workshop, readings by authors, slam competitions, oral duels, but also conferences and discussions, and even exhibitions and other meetings.

Out of France, words come out from everywhere, “live, fun and participative”, according to the Francophonie University Association (AUF in French), which lists all events scheduled abroad during the Week.


A few examples worldwide

  • in Africa: in Madagascar, a debating tournament between universities in French; in Central African Republic, a dictation of Francophonie and a debate conference about employability of young people; in Congo, discussions and debates with the Club Leaders Etudiants Francophones (CLÉF); in Benin, a hackathon “Francophonie, innovation and tech”;
  • in the Americas: in Canada, a round table about “the new faces of world Francophonie”; in Peru, a conference “Studying in a French-speaking country” organized by the French embassy; in Brazil and Chile, a webinar “What is Francophonie?”;
  • in Asia and the Pacific region: in Cambodia, a national eloquence contest for French-speaking students; in Vietnam, a “Francophonie Race” and, in all Francophone universities in the country, a video contest entitled “My francophone way, my pride”;
  • in Europe: in Albania, a forum for Francophone women; in Bulgaria, the French-speaking students’ ball organised by the Francophone Centre of the University of Sofia; in Georgia, a contest of recitation and rewriting of fables; in Portugal, the “Festa de Francofonia” with the Alliance française of Coimbra; in Belgium, a Franco-Belgian Day dedicated to 100% feminine e-sport;
  • in the Middle East: in Lebanon, a mini-football Francophone tournament; in Egypt, a Day entitled “Let’s celebrate Francophone cultural diversity”.


Journée internationale de la Francophonie


An event under the sign of Education

French is spoken by over 310 million speakers worldwide. In fact, it is the only language, with English, spoken on the five continents. That’s why, on March 20, the International Francophonie Dayis celebrated not only in French-speaking countries, but also in those where the French language is less widely spoken”, says the International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF), the entity overseeing the event. Hundreds of events are organized to highlight the diversity and vitality of the Francophonie.

This year’s theme, “Je m'éduque, donc j’agis” (“I educate myself, therefore I act”), refers to education in the general sense, and calls for “access to quality education for all, in a world where technological advances are redefining our reference points”. In the case of education, says the IOF, “it contributes to sustainable development and peace, by forming committed and responsible generations”.

An interactive map, also on the website of the International Organisation of La Francophonie, can be used to locate all the events organized to mark March 20. More than 25 actions are listed in the Americas, 70 in Europe, 27 in Africa, and 8 in the Middle East and Asia, demonstrating that education “forms citizens aware and equipped to meet the challenges of the world!”. 

Follow the main steps to come study in France

Published on: 18/03/2025 à 09:07
Updated : 18/03/2025 à 09:10
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