Mon Master 2025: a goldmine of information to better prepare your study plan
Since 3rd February, the French platform Mon Master has opened a first period of information to offer students the full and updated list of Master training courses for the academic year 2025. Thousands of courses are available on the platform, and they give access to a national Master degree granted by public or private higher education institutions acknowledged by the French government.
Launched in 2023 by the ministry of higher education and research, the platform “Mon Master” (My Master Degree) is both an information website and a site for direct application to most Master’s degrees existing in France. The portal lists national Master degrees granted by accredited by higher education institutions, i.e. over 3.500 Master degrees and 8.000 study plans to access them. Regarding the application step, international students are not affected, except in specific cases.
Better draw up your study project
As the Ministry point out, this third campaign of the Mon Master platform is marked by a deep revamp of its information portal, so students in Licence (bachelor) course may “prepare better their orientation and draw up their study plan”.
This new version of the information site is easier to use, and directed towards national or international students, to better understand for each of the study courses open to applications:
- the requirements and evaluation criteria of applications;
- the recommended Licence merits and honours to access a specific Master course;
- the recommended degrees to access a study course;
- the total reception capacity of a Master course (number of places offered);
- the location in France of the study centre;
- a link to the full information page on the institution, accessible directly on the institution’s website;
- a contact email of the head of education or administration of the corresponding Master course.
In addition, the information factsheets of each Master courses provide information on the professional future of graduates (continuation of studies, employment rate) and the access rate of study courses. In addition, a practical section of the website provides information on existing scholarships and financial assistance, and specific information for disabled students. An FAQ answers targeted questions, for example regarding foreign students.
The case of international students
After a first step of information and exploration, applicants may submit their choices directly to study courses with the platform between Tuesday 25 February and Monday 24 March 2025 included.
For foreign students, application using the website Mon Maser is only required for foreign students already living in France, in a country in the European Economic Area or in a country not covered by the Etudes en France process.
Foreign students living in a country not covered by the Etudes en France process are not affected by the application step on the Mon Master platform.
Related contents
- Presentation on the website of the ministry of higher educationhttps://www.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr/fr/mon-master-les-candidats-peuvent-decouvrir-l-offre-de-formation-pour-la-rentree-2025-98472
- Mon Master platformhttps://monmaster.gouv.fr/formation
- Mon Master contact formhttps://monmaster.gouv.fr/contact
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