Boursiers du programme Malaisie

Campus France welcomes the new cohort of the Malaysia Program

Campus France has welcomed the new cohort of the Malaysia Program and will supervise the academic progress of about 250 from the first day of academic year 2024. 


An increasing number of students for the new cohort

Campus France has welcomed the new cohort of the Malaysia Program. These students first trained for a year in the Malaysia-France Institute (MFI), and are now starting their studies in France in 7 Political Sciences, Business Management schools (SPBM in French) and 4 partner University Institutes of Technology (IUT). Campus France will provide them with a tailor-made follow-up throughout their studies in the French higher education system.

The number of students in this cohort is sharply rising compared with next year: 90 students versus 46 in 2023. 

50 will study in Aix-Marseille, Nice and Toulouse, and since more recently Saint-Nazaire, and will continue with 2 additional years of studies in BUT (University Bachelor of Technology) in IUTs. 

40 more will attend “SPBM” courses in the following institutions: EM Normandie, ESPOL, Grenoble Ecole de Management, IESEG School of Management, Sciences Po, SKEMA Business School TBS Education. These institutions deliver BBA (bachelor in business administration) or BIB (bachelor in international business) degrees.  


Boursiers du programme Malaisie
Departure from the Kuala Lumpur airport of 4 students from EMN and 4 students from GEM, supervised by 3 members of the Malaysia-France Institute (MFI)


The Malaysia Program, a key Campus France program

Campus France has been driving the Malaysia Program for more than 20 years. The program is financed by two Malaysian ministries (Ministry of rural development - MARA, and Public Service Department - JAPA) to help each year several dozen Malaysian students graduate in French higher education institutions in engineering sciences or political science and management. A true success story, the success rate of students from this program exceeds 97%.

Campus France will cover from day 1 of the academic year 2024 the tailor-made education follow-up of about 250 students, versus 221 in 2023.


Boursiers du programme Malaisie
Reception in Paris of 5 student from IESEG School of Management


The Malaysia Program: what alumni say

Discover the story of Aliff Rostam, an alumni of the Malaysia Program who graduated in 2023 in industrial design at the University of Technology of Belfort-Montbéliard (UTBM).


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Published on: 02/09/2024 à 11:43
Updated : 02/09/2024 à 11:48
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