The travel / Schengen visa

The travel visa, or Schengen visa, allows former students and graduates of French higher education to stay in France and the European Union for tourism or professional reasons.
What does the travel visa, or "Schengen" visa, authorise?
The travel visa, or Schengen visa, authorises you to enter the twenty-six member states of the Schengen area as many times as you want. It allows you to stay for a cumulative total of less than 90 days within the Schengen area per six-month period. The period of validity of the travel visa varies between one and five years but may not exceed the date of expiry of the passport.
With the travel visa, you may not work; nor may you obtain a residency permit. It is renewable, however.
Who qualifies for the travel visa?
Master's-level graduates of French higher education qualify for a travel visa if they left France after obtaining their degree.
If you have a lot of contacts in France, the travel visa allows you to come and take part in forums, attend meetings and visit your friends in France.
How to obtain a travel visa
A travel visa must be requested from the French consular authorities in your country of residence. In compliance with measures to simplify procedures for international students, the travel visa is easier and easier to obtain. In particular, the documents required have been streamlined.
Check the website of the French Consulate or Embassy in your country of residence to learn the procedures required for a travel visa.
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