Future4Alliances is an EU-funded project coordinated by Campus France, which brings together national and regional authorities from European countries to support the development of the European universities alliances.
The Future4Alliances project, coordinated by Campus France, started in March 2025. Co-funded by the European Union (EU), the aim of this three-year programme is to support the structuring phase of the 65 European universities alliances, by creating a favourable environment for the development of their activities, and by enhancing the coherence of national and regional funding.

Project objectives and activities
Future4Alliances aims to :
- create a favourable environment for European universities alliances in terms of legislation, its application and technical support and
- enhance the coherence of national/regional funding for Alliances, in addition to Erasmus+ funding and funding from other European programmes.
Three priority themes have been identified by the consortium:
- Sustainability of Funding
- Joint Educational Programmes and Activities and
- International Dimension and Hosting Measures
To achieve the project’s ambitions, the consortium will organise face-to-face and virtual workshops, as well as field visits to encourage the exchange of good practice and thus facilitate a reflection on the support provided by public authorities particularly with regards to the future developments of the Alliances. On the basis of the planned analyses, the project will publish recommendations aimed at the Member States, the European Commission, the European Alliances and relevant stakeholders. Given the transformative aspect of the Alliances’ activities, the project’s recommendations will benefit the European higher education as a whole.
How the Future4Alliances project works
Co-funded by the European Union, Future4Alliances is a 3-year policy experimentation project (2025-2028). Its total budget is €1.2 million (including €962,642 of EU co-funding).
The project will be implemented by:
- Campus France (coordinator, France)
- the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF, Austria)
- the Ministry of Education and Science (MoES, Bulgaria)
- EDUFI (Finland)
- the Ministry of University and Research (MUR, Italy)
- HK-dir (Norway)
- the Foundation Tempus (Serbia)
- CMEPIUS (Slovenia) and
- the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MICIU, Spain)
Future4Alliances also has 23 associated partners from 13 different countries which will participate in the events and support the project’s activities: European Students’ Union (Belgium), Vlaamse Gemeenschap (Flemish Authority, Belgium), the Ministry of Culture and Education (Finland), the Ministry in charge of Higher Education and Research (France), the High Council for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (Hcéres, France), the French National Erasmus+ Agency (France), the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF, Germany), the Secretariat of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder (Germany), the DAAD (France), the Ministy of Education, Culture and Science (the Netherlands), Nuffic (the Netherlands), Uni-Italia (Italy), Movetia (Switzerland), the University of Poitiers (France), the University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten (Austria), the Technical University of Sofia, the Metropolia University of Applied Sciences (Finland), the University Ca’ Foscari of Venice (Italy), the University of Oslo (Norway), the University of Belgrade (Serbia), the University of Primorska (Slovenia), the University of Barcelona (Spain), the Ministry of the French Community (Belgium).

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