Etudiants en management
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2024 Financial Times ranking of MiMs: 6 French schools in the world Top 10

The FT just released its 2024 ranking of best masters in management, and this year 24 French business schools are in the world’s Top 100, compared to 21 last year. About a quarter of the best courses in management in the world are French!

Every year since 2011, the Financial Times (FT) releases a ranking of the best Masters in Management (MiM), which are 5-year courses in business and management. The ranking shows two separate surveys: one with business schools and the other with former students. In the 2024 version, methodology criteria are always based on graduates’ wage (three years after completing a MiM), but additional criteria are taken into account, such the importance of the alumni networks, actions for environmental, social and governance factors, but also gender diversity and international diversity of students and professors. To be noted that, according to the FT, “foreign students stand for less than half of registrations in 44 schools ranked”.


Six French institutions in the Top 10

The FT provides the first conclusion of the surveys: “European business schools provide the best Masters in Management programmes in the world, with French institutions offering four of the 11 best courses and about a quarter of the ranking’s Top 100”.

The ranking’s Top 10 is indeed a fine illustration of French excellence, since six institutions out of 10 are French, and two French schools are on the three steps of the podium:

  • in second position, HEC, after a 1st position to the detriment of the Swiss leader last year, is back in its traditional position;
  • in 3rd position, INSEAD makes an outstanding entry in the ranking.

A bit further in the ranking are:

  • in fourth position, up 7 positions, EDHEC Business School;
  • in 6th position, ESCP Business School;
  • in 8th position, emlyon Business School;
  • in 10th position, ESSEC.

For the first time since 2011, six French schools are among the top 10 worldwide.


24 French schools in the Top 100

There are 9 additional French schools in the Top 50, some of which have moved up in the rankings:

  • IESEG School of Management (23rd, up 9 positions);
  • Grenoble Ecole de management (26th);
  • Skema Business School, in the same position as Excelia, up three places (30th). It is also worth noting that, according to the FT, these two schools rank “first for teaching content focused on environmental, social and governance issues”;
  • Neoma Business School (34th);
  • Audencia Business School (43th);
  • TBS Education (45th);
  • Montpellier Business school (47th, +4 positions);
  • Kedge Business School (50th).

Between the 51st and 100th position, 9 French institutions are present in the ranking:

  • Burgundy School of Management (52th);
  • lnstitut Mines-Télécom - Business School (63th);
  • EM Strasbourg (66th);
  • IAE Aix-Marseille - Graduate School of Management (69th);
  • ESSCA School of Management (80th);
  • ESC Clermont Business School (81th);
  • Rennes School of Business (88th);
  • ICN Business School (90th);
  • ESDES Business School (93th).

Follow the main steps to come study in France

Published on: 23/09/2024 à 09:54
Updated : 23/09/2024 à 09:55
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