Etudiants Study in Europe

Campus France is laureate of the European call for tender for the Study in Europe project

Campus France won the new European funding to drive the fourth stage of the “Study in Europe” initiative, a programme aiming at improving the visibility of Europe as study destination for extra-community students.

Study in Europe funded by European Union


Campus France has just won the 4.9 M€ call for tender of European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) to drive the next stage of the “Study in Europe” project. Campus France will be the leader of a European consortium including the DAAD (Germany), Nuffic (Netherlands), Education and Youth Board (Estonia), Academic Cooperation Association (ACA, Belgium) and the Czech National Agency for International Education and Research (DZS, Czech Republic), and is by this mean in charge of the global coordination of the project. 

Through the Study in Europe programme, national promotion agencies and French and European higher education and research institutions increase their visibility abroad and improve their international strategy.


The 4th stage of Study in Europe includes:

  • Carrying out analysis and studies on various subjects, such as national promotion strategies, access to scholarship grants and students’ international mobility
  • The organisation of a series of 12 remote and onsite students fairs and institutional events, managing the Study in Europe information portal, creating communication tools and organising an integrated communication campaign, including on social networks)
  • Implementing themed webinars and network activities, and good practices exchanges for European promotion agencies and European Union Delegations
  • Organising capacity-building and networking activities: 
    • including annual seminars on EU policy to present the key elements of the European Strategy for Universities and initiatives related to the establishment of the European Education Area to higher education stakeholders in countries outside the European Union.
    • Other annual seminars will be organised to facilitate contacts between European higher education institutions and their counterparts in different regions of the world. 
    • training sessions on the promotion of higher education for European higher education institutions, with priority given to the least visible/active European institutions in terms of promotion.


Three new partners join the group: Spain, Italy and Rumania

During the 4th stage of the project, three additional national agencies will support the implementation of activities as associated partners: SEPIE (Spain), Uni-Italia (Italy) and UEFISCDI (Rumania), including by contributing to dissemination activities.

Key figures: Study in Europe 3rd stage

Campus France has already participated in the first three stages of the programme (2014- 2017, 2017-2020 and 2020-2023) and coordinated the second and third stage. Conclusion of the 3rd stage: 

  • a series of students’ fairs attracted 17,000 visitors and 406 European exhibitors
  • Many promotion actions gathered 230,000followers to reach 27 million people on social networks. 10 promotional videos reached 700,000 views on social networks and the web portal.

The fourth stage Study in Europe will help Campus France and its partners strengthen their own attractiveness strategy and at the same time improve common approach of higher education promotion. This new step will help both improve the institutional network while reaching future extra-European student prospects. The strategy aims at ensuring the place of the European Union as leading destination for higher studies worldwide.  


Follow the main steps to come study in France

Published on: 18/06/2024 à 15:17
Updated : 18/06/2024 à 15:18
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