Pays de l'Asean
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Tremplin prize for bilateral cooperation in research in the ASEAN region

Researcher, Institutions

The French ministry of higher education and Research and the Academy of sciences put forward a scientific prize to promote current cooperation agreements between French researchers and researchers in the ASEAN region (Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malay, Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam). This prize gives an opportunity to improve such agreements in the years to come.

A new Tremplin prize for the ASEAN region

Set up for the first time in 2020 as part of the France-Africa season, and in 2021 as part of the year of the France-Portugal season, the Tremplin prize is back this year to promote and deepen bilateral cooperation agreements in research between French teams and teams in the ASEAN region.

The French ministry of higher education and Research and the Academy of sciences will award six prizes of 22,000 euros each in 2022-23. 

One of these prizes will have the support of the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, and the Embassy of France in Thailand as part of the Franco-Thai year of innovation. 


Which countries are eligible?

Eligible countries to this call for project are the following: Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malay, Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam.


Eligibility requirements and projects selection

Applicants must present a research programme (any scientific topic) using strong results already acquired during their collaboration (achieved by two researchers, one from the French research institution and the other from a research institution of one of the 7 eligible countries) and detailing the development objectives of this cooperation.

Projects will be selected by a jury coordinated by the Academy of sciences in France depending on the following criteria: 

  • Scientific quality of already known results;  
  • Complementarity of committed labs;
  • Scientific quality of the project of continuation of collaboration.

Special attention will be given to applications implying the reception of young researchers in France.



  • Close of call for applications: 15 November 2022
  • Jury: February 2023
  • Publication of results: March 2023


To view the call for projects: Tremplin Asean Prize



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Published on: 10/10/2022 à 17:09
Updated : 10/10/2022 à 17:07
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