Campus France Live : promoting your courses on social media

studio campus france

Campus France is offering higher education institutions that are members of the Campus France Forum a new service to promote their courses on social media from its digital TV studio.

Introduction to Campus France Live

Campus France Live is a series of TV episodes filmed in the Campus France studio and broadcast on its social media.


régie du studio Campus France Live
© Campus France


A higher education institution presents its academic programs, international admissions procedures, reception and integration services, student and campus life, and employability support.

A journalist conducts an interview with the representatives of the institution, current students and alumni.

Campus France Live is broadcast on: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube and Twitch.

These episodes are produced in French, English or Spanish at the request of the guest institution.

Campus France Live services

With Campus France Live, Campus France offers you the opportunity to enhance the international visibility of your course offerings through an engaging digital communication campaign. Campus France provides you with a dedicated team to help you prepare, organize and host one or more episodes, as well as a professional digital recording studio.


Campus France Live avec ESSCA School of Management - mars 2022
Campus France Live with ESSCA School of Management - march 2022
© Campus France



  • A global broadcast of the live event on the agency's social media and the Campus France network (over two million subscribers)

  • A targeted distribution of the replay by geographical region according to the priorities of your internationalization strategy

  • Support from a dedicated team to design, organize and host the episode

  • A journalist who can interview in the chosen language (French/English/Spanish)

  • A professional recording set with three (3) fixed cameras + one mobile camera

  • A technical team in the control room


Participate in Campus France Live

Would you like to participate in Campus France Live? Write to

We will answer you as soon as possible to study together your promotion needs on our social networks. 

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