Ouverture des Rencontres 2021 par Frédérique Vidal
©Campus France

The Campus France Meetings 2021 open


On Monday 15 November 2021, French Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation Frédérique Vidal opened the “Rencontres Campus France 2021”. This year, this major event for university diplomacy will focus on celebrating the 10 years of Campus France.

On Monday 15 November 2021, Frédérique Vidal, French Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, opened “Rencontres Campus France” (Campus France Meetings) in the presence of Béatrice Khaiat, General Director of Campus France, Manuel Tunon de Lara, president of the “Conférence des Présidents d’université” (CPU, Conference of University Presidents), Laurent Champaney, president of the “Conférence des grandes écoles” (CGE, Conference of Major Schools) and Jacques Fayolle, president of the “Conférence des directeurs des écoles françaises d’ingénieurs” (CDEFI, Conference of French Schools of Engineering Directors).

In her speech, the minister reminded that “France has made of the attractiveness of its higher education and research ecosystem a critical issue for its future and its sovereignty”.  As Campus France celebrates its 10th anniversary this year, Vidal praised the agency’s remarkable commitment, emphasising that over this decade “Campus France has established itself as the frontline agent of the international influence of our education institutions, and as the prime contact of ministries, institutions, diplomatic posts”, but also “students and researchers abroad”.  She also mentioned that over the course of 10 years, the number of international students in France increased by 28%, and institutions have improved their position in international rankings.


J1 rencontres Campus France 2021
First day of the Rencontres Campus France 2021
©Campus France


Rencontres Campus France 2021: a special 10-years anniversary edition

The Rencontres Campus France are an annual event organised in collaboration with the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation and the conferences of institutions (CPU, CDEFI, CGE). This year, they are organised online from 15 to 17 November 2021. Over three days, the representatives of 140 higher education institutions and representatives of embassies of France and Campus France Offices in 65 countries gathered in digital face-to-face meetings and workshops about themes in relation with the stakes of research and university cooperation.



The anniversary of Campus France is the central theme of the 2021 edition. This year, the Rencontres Campus France are a special moment to assess the activities of Campus France while thinking about the current and next challenges for the attractiveness of French higher education institution.


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Published on: 18/11/2021 à 11:05
Updated : 18/11/2021 à 11:08
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