Welcome Desk in Corsica
Different measures are in place in your city to welcome you.
In partnerships with different institutions, the University of Corsica supports you in your procedures and guides you upon your arrival.
The first point of contact at the University of Corsica is the Mobility Office of the International Relations Department (SRI) for international students on individual incoming mobility programmes (excluding exchange programmes).
The SRI has set up a "Guichet unique" (one-stop shop) to provide students with information on all the administrative procedures involved in moving to Corsica (residence, accommodation, social security, enrolment, etc.).
International researchers and doctoral students can also contact the Mobility Office of the International Relations Department (see address and contact details above).
Proposed services
Contact with international student associations:
- The Union des Etudiants Internationaux de Corse (UEIC), an association whose purpose is to welcome new students from abroad and help them with their studies, while organising events to create links: etudiants-internationaux@universita.corsica / www.facebook.com/groups/129679137384995/about/
ESN (Erasmus Student Network) Corsica, an association of students from the University of Corsica, which welcomes mobile students to Corte by organising various activities: www.facebook.com/ESN.Corsica/
- Links with the CROUS de Corse (accommodation in particular), the Prefecture and the CAF (social security office)
- student associations (ESN Corsica, Union of International Students of Corsica)
- Prefecture
- City of Corsica ...
Dates and times
8h30-12h20/ 13h30-17h30 du lundi au vendredi8h30-12h20/ 13h30-17h30 du lundi au vendredi
Address and contacts
International Relations Department, Edmond SIMEONI building (1st floor), Campus Mariani, Avenue Jean Nicoli, 20250 CORTE
Contact: Cyrielle LAZZONI / Pauline MOYNAULT
Tel. +33 (0)4 20 20 22 70 / +33 (0)4 95 45 06 46
Back-to-school events
- Allegria Week to welcome new students
- World Student Night
- Hike for international students in the Tavignanu Valley
- Cultural visit ...
Follow the main steps to come study in France
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CollectionStudent citiesUpdatedOctober 2024