International students already enrolled in French Higher education system will not be affected by differentiated tuition fees

International students already enrolled in a public French Higher education institution during the academic year 2018/2019 will not be subject to the new, differentiated tuition fees. As before, French government will assume most of the cost of their education.

International student already enrolled in French Higher education system for the academic year 2018/2019 won’t be subject to the new, differentiated tuition rates. Due to the national framework provided by the French government and the exemptions decisions made by the French institutions, they will continue to pay the same tuition fees as French and European students.

On 19 November 2018, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe announced the French government’s strategy for recruiting international students. The government’s goal is to make France more attractive to students from abroad and to increase the international visibility of French institutions of higher education.

To inform international students of the new regulations, which will soon be published in the Journal Officiel, information on Campus France website take into account the Prime Minister’s announcement.

If you want to learn more about the new differentiated tuition fees that will be introduced in 2019/2020, please have a look at the Choose France FAQ or read our page about tuition fees in France.


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Published on: 26/12/2018 à 12:13
Updated : 30/01/2019 à 10:55
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