Campus France Toulouse welcomes scholarship recipients and international students

Students, Researcher

The Campus France’s regional delegation in Toulouse organised two events to welcome its scholarship recipients and all international students of the region.

Welcome to scholarship recipients of the Toulouse region!


Tuesday, October 9, Team Campus France in Toulouse welcomed about 60 of its scholarship recipients with a reception party at the Federal University of Toulouse. During this friendly moment, students could meet the Campus France team in Toulouse to ask them questions, but also get to know all the Campus France scholarship recipients of the Toulouse Academy.

This welcome party was the perfect opportunity to present the “Accueil Welcome Desk” to students, the must-attend desk where French and international students will find departments from the Préfecture, CAF, CROUS, and SCUIO (Service Commun Universitaire d'Information et d'Orientation, Common University Service for Information and Orientation) 


All together to celebrate La Nuit des Etudiants du Monde

toulouse NEM

Campus France participated in La Nuit des Etudiants du Monde (World Students Celebration) held in Toulouse on October 11. During the night, students from France and all over the world met in a warm and friendly atmosphere.

Campus France took the opportunity to present France Alumni, a platform for students from all over the world designed to keep them in touch and connected to France after their return to their country, but also to create a network and benefit from many internship and job offers.

Campus France shared a stand with its partners ESN (European Student Network) and the Federal University, who could also present their tutoring systems Buddy System for the former and Toul’Box /Mouv’Box for the latter. Other partners were also present, but it’s the Senegal stand that stood out of the crowd by offering culinary specialities and broadcasting films from the country. Last but not least, students could enjoy a rich program of concerts during the party.

toulouse nem

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Published on: 18/10/2018 à 10:26
Updated : 18/10/2018 à 10:27
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