50 French higher education institutions will participate in EAIE 2022. Come and meet us on booth #F31. Find out more on top French institutions and prepare your meetings to foster new academic cooperation.
Contact: intl.projets@unicaen.fr
Fields of study: Law and political sciences, Humanities and social sciences, Foreign languages, Psychology, Sciences, Science and Technology of Physical Activities and Sports, Economics, business management, Geography and Land Settlement, Health, Management and finance.
Booth #F31 - Table 11: Wednesday 14/09 (a.m/p.m) - Thursday 15/09 (a.m/ p.m) - Friday 16/09 a.m
Contact: drie-cooperation-contact@univ-lorraine.fr
Fields of study: Engineering, Medicine, Arts, Humanities, Law and economics, Sciences, Sport, Languages, Business and management, Mathematics
Booth #F31 - Table 14: Wednesday 14/09 (a.m) - Thursday 15/09 (p.m)
University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne
Contact: dredi@univ-reims.fr
Fields of study: Arts, Humanities & Languages Human & Social Sciences, Law, Economics & Management Science, Technologies & Health
Booth #F31 - Table 1: Friday 16/09 a.m
Contact: dari-cooperation@listes.univ-rennes1.fr
Fields of study: Law, political science and philosophy, Health, Economics and Management, Industrial Systems Engineering Physics, chemistry and Earth Sciences and Environment, biology, Science and Technology of Information and Communication
Booth #F31- Table 14 Wednesday 14/09 (p.m) & Table 16 Thursday 15/09 (a.m)
Contact: dri-contact@unistra.fr
Fields of study: Arts, Languages, Humanities, Economics, Management, Law, Sciences, Engineering, Health, Religious Sciences
Booth #F31- Table 17 Wednesday 14/09 (a.m) & Table 14 Thursday 15/09 (a.m)
Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbeliard (UTBM)
Contact: relations.internationales@utbm.fr
Fields of study: Industrial Systems Engineering and Management, Mechanical Engineering and Design, Computer Science, Energy Production and Power Systems
Booth #F31 : Table 13 Wednesday 14/09 (p.m) & Table 17 Thursday 15/09 (a.m)
Université de Technologie de Compiègne
Contact: accueil@utc.fr
Fields of study: Computer science and engineering, Mechanical engineering, Material engineering, Industrial engineering, Acoustics engineering, Design engineering, Biomechanics and bioengineering, Cellular and enzyme engineering, Urban systems engineering, Industrial process engineering
Booth #F31 : Table 6 Wednesday 14/09 (a.m/p.m) - Thursday 15/09 (a.m/ p.m) - Friday 16/09 a.m
Contact: dri@u-pec.fr
Fields of study: Literature & Languages, Law, Economics & Management, Health Humanities & Social Sciences, Science & Technology, Health
Booth #F31: Table 13 Wednesday 14/09 (a.m) & Table 15 Thursday 15/09 (a.m)
Université Paris 13 - Sorbonne Paris Nord
Contact: international@univ-paris13.fr
Fields of study: Law, Economics, Management, Health sciences, Medicine, Sciences and Engineering Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, Sports, Psychology, Literature, Languages, Information and Communication Sciences
Booth #F31: Table 12 Wednesday 14/09 (a.m) & Thursday 15/09 (p.m)
Contact: relations.internationales@univ-angers.fr
Fields of study: Law, Economics and Business Studies, Languages, Humanities and Social Sciences, Sciences and Technology, Tourism and Culture
Booth #F31: Table 3 Friday 16/09 a.m
Contact: service.international@univ-rouen.fr
Fields of study: Economics, Management, Humanities, Law, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Mathematics, Health, Sports, Engineering...
Booth #F31: Table 16 Wednesday 14/09 (a.m) & Table 12 Wednesday 14/09 (p.m)
Contact: dri-secretariat@univ-amu.fr
Fields of study: Humanities, Law and Political Science, Economics and Management, Health, Science and Technologies
French avenue #F50 Wednesday 14/09, Thursday 15/09 and Friday 16/09 a.m/p.m
Contact: relations.internationales@ml.u-cergy.fr
Fields of study: Political Sciences, Law, Humanities, Economics, Science & Technology, Education, Vocational degree, Gastronomy, Engineering
French avenue #F21 Wednesday 14/09, Thursday 15/09 and Friday 16/09 a.m/p.m
Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté (UBFC)
Contact: guillaume.albert@ubfc.fr
Fields of study: Physics, Maths and Applications, Smart Systems and Structures Energy, Computer Science, Material Science, Global changes in the Anthropocene
French avenue #F54 Wednesday 14/09, Thursday 15/09 and Friday 16/09 a.m/p.m
Contact: international@univ-lille.fr
Fields of study: Arts, Humanities and Languages; Law, Economics and Management, Health, Social and Human Sciences
Science and Technology, Sport, Ecole Supérieure de Journalisme, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture et du Paysage, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Industries Textiles, Sciences-Po Lille
French avenue #F30 Wednesday 14/09, Thursday 15/09 and Friday 16/09 a.m/p.m
Contact: dgddit-direction@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr
Fields of study: Detection system, earth sciences, civil engineering, physics, clinical medicine, mathematics, geography, Social and Human Sciences
French avenue #F53 Wednesday 14/09, Thursday 15/09 and Friday 16/09 a.m/p.m
Contact: conventions.internationales@universite-paris-saclay.fr
Fields of study: Sciences; Engineering; Global Health; International Law; Economics; Medicine; Pharmacy; Sports Sciences; Cultural Sciences; Sociology; Climate Sciences
French avenue #F40 Wednesday 14/09, Thursday 15/09 and Friday 16/09 a.m/p.m
Contact: international-office@u-bordeaux.fr
Fields of study: Science and Technology, Law, Political Science, Economics, Management, Life and Health Sciences, Social and Human Sciences
French avenue #F22 Wednesday 14/09, Thursday 15/09 and Friday 16/09 a.m/p.m
Université Paris Panthéon-Assas
Contact: mobilite@u-paris2.fr
Fields of study: Law ; Political science ; Economics ; Management ; Information-Communication
Free attendees - meeting point #F31
Contact: international@sorbonne-nouvelle.fr
Fields of study: Applied Foreign Languages, Areal Studies, Letters & Language Sciences, Cinema and Audiovisual Studies, Theatre Studies, Communication & Media, Cultural Mediation/Cultural Heritage/Patrimonial Studies, Humanities and Social Sciences
Free attendees - meeting point #F31
Université PSL (Paris Sciences & Lettres)
Contact: eva.naidu@psl.eu
Fields of study: Engineering, Fundamental Sciences, Humanities & Social Sciences, Arts
French avenue #F55 Wednesday 14/09, Thursday 15/09 and Friday 16/09 a.m/p.m
Contact: admissions@sciencespo.fr
Fields of study: One Bachelor of arts in social sciences and humanities with 6 core courses: economics, law, history, humanities, political science and sociology.
Booth #F31- Table 10 Wednesday 14/09, Thursday 15/09 & Friday 16/09 a.m/p.m
Contact: international.relations@sciencespo-aix.fr
Fields of study: Political science, social science, international relations, law, economics, history.
Booth #F31- Table 18 Friday 16/09 a.m
ESPOL (European School of Social and Political Sciences)
Contact: oliwia.baran@univ-catholille.fr
Fields of study: Political science, International Relations, International Security, Food politics, European and Global studies
Booth #F31- Table 14 Friday 16/09 a.m
INALCO - Institut National des Langues et Cultures Orientales
Contact: erasmus@inalco.fr
Fields of study: Oriental Languages and Civilisations, International Relations, Intercultural Communication, International Trade, Language, Didactics, Texts, Informatics and Multilingualism, French as a Foreign Language
Booth #F31- Table 5 Wednesday 14/09, Thursday 15/09 & Friday a.m/p.m
Contact: international@audencia.com
Fields of study: Marketing, Finance, Supply Chain, Agribusiness, Data Management, International Management, Consulting
Booth #F31- Table 13 Thursday 15/09 (a.m) & Table 15 Thursday 15/09 (p.m)
Contact: international.affairs@edhec.edu
Fields of study: Bachelor in Business Administration – Business Management and Global Business Tracks, Master in Management in Business Management, Master in Management in Finance , Master in Management in Global Economic, Transformation & Technology, MSc programs Finance Track, MSc programs Business Management Track, Global MBA, PhD in Finance, Executive Education, EDHEC Online
Booth #F31- Table 12 Thursday 15/09 (a.m) & Friday 16/09 (a.m)
Contact: international@em-normandie.fr
Fields of study: Business & Management, Marketing & Communication, Economics, Finance, Banking & Accounting, IT & Digital, Logistics, Supply & Chain
Booth #F31- Table 9 Wednesday 14/09, Thursday 15/09 & Friday 16/09 a.m/p.m
Contact: mlecomte@escp.eu
Fields of study: Business, Management
Booth #F31- Table 15 Wednesday 14/09 (p.m) & Table 17 Thursday 15/09 (p.m)
Contact: exchange@essca.fr
Fields of study: Management, Finance, Human Resources, Marketing, International Business
Booth #F31- Table 2 Friday 16/09 a.m
Contact: international@icn-artem.com
Fields of study: Management, Business Administration, Finance, Marketing, Business Development, Luxury Management, Tech and Innovation Management, Sustainable Innovation Management, Audit
Booth #F31- Table 7 Wednesday 14/09, Thursday 15/09 & Friday 16/09 a.m/p.m
Contact: international.office@skema.edu
Fields of study: Finance - Accounting, Strategy - Organization, Entrepreneurship - Innovation, Project Management, Marketing, Management
Booth #F31- Table 8 Wednesday 14/09, Thursday 15/09 & Friday 16/09 a.m/p.m
Contact: international.tbs@tbs-education.fr
Fields of study: Business, Strategy and Management / Finance, Audit and Controlling / Aeronautics and Aerospace / Artificial Intelligence and Big data / International Marketing, Luxury industries / Sustainable Supply Chain and Purchasing
Booth #F31- Table 4 Wednesday14/09, Thursday 15/09 & Friday 16/09 a.m/p.m
ISCOM The Higher Institute for Communication and Advertising
Contact: info@iscom.fr
Fields of study: Marketing, Communication, Advertising, Public Relations, Creative communication, Digital innovation, Brand design
Free attendees - meeting point #F31
Contact: contact@rennes-sb.com
Fields of study: Management / Human Resource / Finance / Marketing / Sustainability / Supply Chain
Free attendees - meeting point #F31
Contact: globalexchange@excelia-group.com
Fields of study: Business / Tourism / Digital / French Language
Free attendees - meeting point #F31
Contact: internationalrelations@kedgebs.com
Fields of study: Supply Chain / Marketing / CSR / Wine & Spirits / Finance reconsidered / Innovation & entrepreneurship
Free attendees - meeting point #F31
CESI Graduate School of Engineering
Contact: relationsInternationales@cesi.fr
Fields of study: Industrial Engineering and Management, IT Engineering, Civil Engineering, Embedded Systems Engineering
Booth #F31- Table 18 Wednesday14/09 (a.m) & Thursday 15/09 (a.m)
ESA Agricultural Engineering School, Angers
Contact: g.browne@groupe-esa.com
Fields of study: Agronomy, Agriculture, Food Sciences, Environment, Agro-ecology, Wine and viticulture
Booth #F31- Table 3 Wednesday 14/09 & Thursday 15/09 a.m/p.m & Table 17 Friday 16/09 a.m
Contact: international@imt.fr
Fields of study: Environmental, Energy and Civil Engineering / Materials and Mechanical Engineering / Information & Communications Technology / Computer Science / Industrial and Systems Engineering / Management and Economics
French avenue #F20 Wednesday 14/09, Thursday 15/09 and Friday 16/09 a.m/p.m
ENSAI - Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Analyse de l'Information
Contact: international@ensai.fr
Fields of study: Applied Mathematics, Biostatistics, Computer Science, Data Science, Econometrics, Economics, Official Statistics, Quantitative Marketing, Risk Management, Statistical Engineering
Free attendees - meeting point #F31
Contact: julie.pontvianne@itech.fr
Fields of study: Masters of Engineering program in the fields of polymers,
Free attendees - meeting point #F31
IAE FRANCE – University Schools of Management Network
Contact: contact@iae-france.fr
Fields of study: Accounting - Control - Audit, Administration – Management, Dual competence, Economy and management, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Human Resources, Information system, International, Marketing - Communication - Sales, Organizations strategy, Public and sectoral management, Quality - Logistics - Production, Research
French avenue #F52 Wednesday 14/09, Thursday 15/09 and Friday 16/09 a.m/p.m
Contact: international@agreenium.fr
Fields of study: Agriculture, food, environnement, global health
French avenue #F51 Wednesday 14/09, Thursday 15/09 and Friday 16/09 a.m/p.m
Contact: ri@devinci.fr
Fields of study: Engineering and IT, Management and business administration, Digital (video games, animation, coding, webdesign)
Booth #F31: Table 1 Wednesday 14/09, Thursday 15/09 a.m/p.m & Table 15 Friday 16/09 a.m
Contact: international@omneseducation.com
Fields of study: Business / Engineering / Political Science & International Relations / Communication / Design
Booth #F31: Table 2 Wednesday 14/09, Thursday 15/09 a.m/p.m & Table 16 Friday 16/09 a.m
Contact: daniela.migliori@ad-education.com
Fields of study: Design,llustration, Animation and Video games, Photography, Handicraft and the Preservation of cultural heritage.
Booth #F31: Table 18 Wednesday 14/09 (p.m) & Table 13 Friday 16/09 (a.m)
EICAR, The International Film & TV School, Paris
Contact: info@eicar.fr
Fields of study: Filmmaking / Cinematography / Acting / Summer Workshop
Booth #F31: Table 15 Wednesday 14/09 (a.m) & Table 13 Thursday 15/09 (p.m)
Ecole Ferrières - hospitality, gastronomy and luxury
Contact: admissions@ferrieres-paris.com
Fields of study: Hospitality, Gastronomy, Luxury, Business, Tourism, Business Management, Business Administration, Culinary, Pastry, Baking
Booth #F31: Table 16 Wednesday 14/09 (p.m) & Thursday 15/09 (p.m)
Cours de civilisation française de la Sorbonne
Contact: contact@ccfs-sorbonne.fr
Fields of study: French languages course (all levels, intensively, regularly or evening courses, all year long) / French language and civilization courses (all levels, all years long) / Specialized French courses (all levels, but absolute beginners) / Preparation courses to French University / National examination center (DELF B1 / DELF B2/ DALF C1/ TCF SO)
Booth #F31: Table 17 Wednesday 14/09 (p.m) & Table 12 Friday 16/09
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